Any 980 Pro owners noticing extremely high 'Data Written' amounts?

29 Oct 2009
Hello folks

I finished my new build just a few days ago - everything brand new.
Already Samsung Magician and CrystalDiskInfo are showing 804GB written on my 2TB 980 Pro!
How is this possible?
All I've done is install Windows, a few drivers, and a few benchmarking apps.
What could be causing this??
Could it be that, simply because this drive is so fast. even a couple of minutes of benchmarking will use hundreds of GB?
I mean if it can write 7GB per second and I run a benchmark that lasts a minute that's 420GB right there. Right?
That's the only thing I can think of to explain the usage. And now that I haven't run any benchmarks for a while the Writing behaviour is not so crazy.
But I'd appreciate opinions here!
I feel like I'm tearing through the lifespan of my very pricey SSD at a million miles an hour!
Disable Fast Startup in the Windows power settings. That writes data to disk on every shutdown and it does add up I've found. Boot times are so fast that you don't need to effectively put your PC into hibernation every time you turn it off.

As has been said, Crystal Disk Mark writes to disk a lot even when preparing the read test.

I've already disabled hibernation, which I think disables fast startup.
So hopefully that should improve things.
I'm not entirely sure on that, Fast Startup is in the Power section in the Windows control panel under 'change the settings that are currently unavailable' if you want to have a look.
Yes, I don't have the Fast Startup option you describe - and I think that's because I've disabled Hibernation.
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