Any decent RTS games?

Total war series is my favourite. Try Shogun 2 total war as a starting point. It's the most noob friendly and still looks great and is up there as my personal favourite.

Latest is warhammer total war which is great fun too.
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Brass Tactics on the Oculus Rift, design team included the lead designer of Age of Empires II.
Supreme Commander is still the best RTS out there. Don't get the 2nd one though, that one sucks.

Correction: Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance with the Sorian AI mod is one of the best out there at the moment.

Supreme Commander 2 is a good game in it's own right (and has a much better AI setup, being able to tweak difficulty with sliders, rather than Easy or Hard which SC has by default), and is a good introduction game to Supcom, however if you want scope and bigger battles, yes SC:FA is the better game.
Zero-K on steam and free! i've been playing a lot of this recently and been enjoying it although it can be infuriating (put it own to my lack of skillz) has good introduction to units and can co-op on campaign.

Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal - there is a new one (creep world 4) in the works with 3d terrain !!

Total Annihilation - classic my 1st RTS didnt come accors CNC untill much later.

Command and Concore red alert 2 : yuris revenge

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - its ok, think it would work well with co-op campaign

Planetary Annihilation - interesting with 3d planets and space

metal fatigue - another classic with some interesting mexhanics

Supreme command Forge Alliance

Supreme command 2 - good in its own right, smaller games faster battles. storys not half bad either

Homeworld / Homeworld 2 / Homeworld Cataclysm also

A.I. war

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
No one seems to have mentioned Heart of Iron 4 yet.
Steep learning curve but a fantastic WWII-based RTS with some great dlc.

Often goes on sale on steam

Edit: having thought about it. Does HoI count as an RTS?
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