Any decent SIM only plans out there?

[TW]Fox;17789089 said:
Three appeals but coverage worries me. Whats it like and do they still use Orange for backup 2G signal?

Depends what part of the country your in, but I find 3 has the best 3G coverage overall, and I get excellent data speeds (4meg down and 1.6meg up on average here).

The only downside ... 3 have just started switching off the orange 2G fall-back in certain areas they think now have good enough blanket 3G coverage.

Some customers in certain areas have reported problems getting a signal indoors at home or at work because of this,... although 3 have been good about this and allowed them to cancel their contracts, and in most cases keep the handsets either free of charge or for a small one off payment.

I still have 2G fall-back here at th moment...
Hmm, a bit worrying. Any way of checking which areas these are? A network search on my phone reveals I have Orange coverage but not Three.
Unfortunately no, they wont disclose or commit to whether or not you will lose 2G fall-back in a certain postcode.

Theres a few people posting on the 3 blog about it:

Maybe worth considering T-Mobile, they have some good sim only deals at the moment, and they now 3G site share with Three aswell as roam on orange for 2G if you register for it online.

Next year T-Mobile and orange will fully share both 3G and 2G masts when they begin the merge to everything everywhere.
Maybe worth considering T-Mobile, they have some good sim only deals at the moment, and they now 3G site share with Three aswell as roam on orange for 2G if you register for it online.

Next year T-Mobile and orange will fully share both 3G and 2G masts when they begin the merge to everything everywhere.
Pretty much the main reason I went back to TMobile - only left them because O2 had the iPhone exclusive and know how good their 3G/HDSPA coverage was for me so all the cell sharing/merging is a definite bonus on top of the 3Gb data FUP too

ps3ud0 :cool:
Guessing you've all received your sims now?

I caved and ordered 1, got mine today. Mine doesn't say how much I'm paying a month or anything. I've registered online and it doesn't say on there either. Just paranoid really.. I don't want to pay more than £7.50. Though in fairness, it's still a good deal at £15!

EDIT: Weird, just texted 'AL' to 150 for my allowance and it says I have 212 minutes remaining, 177 texts remaining, unlimited landline calls and unlimited internet. Though on my online account page, it does say I have 600 minutes, 500 texts etc.

No idea why my texts and minutes are so low as I've not even used it yet! Will ring them up tomorrow. :o
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Don't know if the offer it still available but i got a t-mobile 1 month rolling contract for £15 a month with £80 cash back through topcashback (although got to wait 3 months for it). that gives me 300 text and 350 minutes, with internet which i think is 1GB.

After 3 months I can cancel the contract and be up £35.
Don't know if the offer it still available but i got a t-mobile 1 month rolling contract for £15 a month with £80 cash back through topcashback (although got to wait 3 months for it). that gives me 300 text and 350 minutes, with internet which i think is 1GB.

After 3 months I can cancel the contract and be up £35.

I've considered doing this :D
Guessing you've all received your sims now?

I caved and ordered 1, got mine today. Mine doesn't say how much I'm paying a month or anything. I've registered online and it doesn't say on there either. Just paranoid really.. I don't want to pay more than £7.50. Though in fairness, it's still a good deal at £15!

EDIT: Weird, just texted 'AL' to 150 for my allowance and it says I have 212 minutes remaining, 177 texts remaining, unlimited landline calls and unlimited internet. Though on my online account page, it does say I have 600 minutes, 500 texts etc.

No idea why my texts and minutes are so low as I've not even used it yet! Will ring them up tomorrow. :o
Deffo call them Jamesbcd to double check youve got the discount and more importantly that youve got the unlimited internet and then another booster (seems some people only got the unlimited internet as their booster)

TBH it sounds like your texts and minutes are pro-rataed til the end of the month - did you ask for the contract to renew at the start of each month?

Ive got my SIM but not put it in yet as I got distracted yesterday, but I have called to check my bundle (though I forgot to ask it was for £7.50 :p). I need to call them anyway to attempt to see if theyll put this new account onto my defunct old account which Ive just found was left in credit :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
I managed to get a 12 month sim only plan from vodafone, works out at £20 pm for 600 anytime mins, unlimited texts and 1gb of data. I got it with a higher cashback rate, which was £120, so works out at a bargain £10pm. Just checked on quidco and its now £100 for one of these sims. Might be worth a look. Bumps up the price to a whole 11.66 pm.
So who would be your provider after the 3months or can you rinse and repeat this?

ps3ud0 :cool:

Cashback can vary, it could be more then or a lot less. Also, they might not approve cashback. There will most likely be similar, if not better, deals around at the end of the 3 months anyway.
So who would be your provider after the 3months or can you rinse and repeat this?

ps3ud0 :cool:

It's a 1 month rolling contract so i can cancel and do whatever i like. Though T-mobile have improved a lot since i last used them about 5 years ago, so would probably stick with them until a similar offer pops up again.

The cash back has tracked for £80, I've only just started using these websites though, but i'm assuming as long as i'm signed up for 3 months which is what the terms were, i'll get the full £80.
Just wondering how worthwhile this is literally jumping between contracts as soon as the cashback comes through. Dno if I cba to do it - especially as cashbacks are never guaranteed and getting on a good mobile package seems to be all about timing since standard packages are usually pretty poor...

Its an interesting idea as I moved to SIM free purely to give me flexibility perhaps I can make my SIMO contract work for me more...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Managed to ring in earlier. You were right Poly. :p

The lady on the phone said they were just part charges from the date I opened the line to the bill date, as my line rental is in advance there is also the month aheads line rental. She said it will only happen for the first month. :)
Well I got the same deal as it were, but for a 10er a month from tmobile.
Still a very good deal tbh, and with my partner being on the same network, we get some vouchers through too! :)
managed to get this deal on my same sim card from payg after cancelling my original order as i didnt want to loose my number or faf around with transfering numbers, took quite abit of effort but worth it imo.
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