Any "Eclipse" users here able to comment on...

15 Nov 2003
...speed (for gaming) and also download limits etc?

Their current offer for £14.99 for unlimited downloads seems too good to be true!?!
Phil99 said:
You get a 20GB monthly limit for all data transfered (both up and download) between 6pm-12pm (midnight) 7 days a week.

They also traffic shape/have different contention levels for the different products, so on the £14.99 a month option you're at the bottom of the priority list meaning the Option 2/3/4 users will get the bandwidth before you do.

Groan!!! Maybe Freedom2Surf then for £19.99 with a 20Gb cap :confused:
Phil99 said:
I'm on Option 3 here and I can hit full speed on USENET/BitTorrent any time of day, but http speedtesters show 3mbps during the day and about 1.5mbps in the evening, though web browsing is fine 24/7 (there was a period of time around a week ago where browsing was pretty bad but they've sorted that now)

No idea what Option 1 would be like, depends what you want to do I guess, I think they're marketing that one to people who do more web browsing than downloading.

Cheers! Freedom2Surf possibly seem a little more competitive product/price/speed wise...
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