Any feedback on the Maxtor Onetouch III Turbo

i've got it. had it for a while now and it has been very good. glad i bought it.

here's the proof. if you have any specific questions get back to me, but all i can say is that so far it does what it says on the tin.

also, if you don't know how to use emc/dantz retrospect then learn. it is the BEST backup program i have ever used, although its a bit of a pig to learn at first. if you buy this drive you'll get retrospect express which is good, but i've upgraded to retrospect pro which does more stuff.

Skarironfist said:
Has anyone purchased this item and is able to give feedback on functionality and reliability.

I am interested in having a external backup with mirroring.


did you buy it.

mine is still cookin' with gas here :D
I've got the Maxtor One Touch III (not the turbo), I certainly like the software that comes with it.

I just plug the drives into either of my computers and copy whichever files I want. It automatically recognised my two computers as being different (a problem solved before it raised its head).

If I've created or edited any files it automatically recognises it on the next backup and only makes those changes. I'm then able, if I wish, to get the software to remove from the Maxtor any files I've deleted from either of the computers. If I choose not too, I have an additional Recycle Bin.

I'm not technical and it suits my need.

It would allow one in a small office enviornment to walk with the Maxtor in your hand from computer to computer and automatically backup that day's work. And it would only take a couple of minutes.

Hope this is of interest.
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