any female gamers here?

I applaud all girly gamers

If we can determine the reasons why there are so many more male gamers than female, perhaps we will understand more about gender and ourselves.

For example, why have I NEVER met a girl who changes the oil and filter on her car. I don't think this female choice is because they may break a nail or get oil on their new blouse, there is something much deeper going on.

Perhaps a survey on the proportion of transgenderists who play violent games would be helpful in some way.
I wish I had a wife that liked computer games :(

Eh wait, no I don't! She'd be using my 360 or PC when I want to and probably break something! ;)
My sister plays more games than anyone here, probably, excluding people who aren't in fulltime employment. It's extremely rare that she won't be sat in front of her PC, maybe 1 hour tops per day excluding sleeping/eating/work. If she's not playing at the weekend, 9 times out of 10 it's because she's gone to play 'real life' roleplaying games somewhere in the country. Anyway, as far as computer games go, it's definitely RPG (including oldfashioned MUDs) or Strategy games that she prefers - she's pretty hopeless as FPS.

Now, I'll probably offend some people here, but the fact is that it's a lot easier to get 'noticed' as a female gamer. By which I mean that top girl-gamers can start up their own clan, get their own sponsorship, compete in 'female-only' events and so forth. That's not a critisism of them, it's just a fact. Yet there for every girl who is able to be pro (or semi-pro) in gaming, there is probably 10 guys who are equally as skilled if not more so, but because of their gender, will never get those same opportunities.

Of course, the above sounds a bit like I'm saying "girls are rubbish at games", but that's not what I'm driving at. What I mean is that lets say you have a girl who is roughly the 100th best player in the world in a given game (assume it has a fairly big scene). She will get a lot of attention because she her gender opens doors for her that would otherwise be closed. Whereas a male player who is the around the 100th best player in the world, will likely have much more limited opportunities.

A top girl gamer (in most, not all games) will very rarely be able to compete with a top male gamer - this statement is proven by the fact that hardly any major money tournaments (excluding female-only, of course) are won by women. If you're a girl, you don't need to be one of the best players in the world - you simply need to be one of the best female players in the world.

As for my gf, she doesn't play 'real' games, just stuff like solotaire, suduko and stuff like that. I don't think she approves of me still playing games at 26 and to be honest I feel a little embarrassed about it, so I've only done it once or twice when she's been around. Gonna be interesting when we buy a house together :)
HangTime said:
As for my gf, she doesn't play 'real' games, just stuff like solotaire, suduko and stuff like that. I don't think she approves of me still playing games at 26 and to be honest I feel a little embarrassed about it, so I've only done it once or twice when she's been around. Gonna be interesting when we buy a house together :)

I'm in the same boat mate (26 as well and looking to get on the property ladder with the mrs before the year is out).

She has no interest whatsoever in computer games, I obviously wouldn't want to force anything on her but I am convinced that there is something out there, maybe even a specific genre that would capture her imagination.

From her perspective though, she's not overly competitive and her opinion on gaming would be formed largely on what she sees me playing, so it's not a good start. In general terms, the gaming industry IMO does not reach out to girls and young women in terms of marketing (maybe with the exception of Nintendogs etc.)
-> e.g. you buy an FHM and there are adverts for games and also a mini review section for games and hardware.

You won't see RPG's and MMO games featured in Cosmo :D
shaunybee likes to play the occassional game, more into old classics on the SEGA and Commodore (keeps going on about her Commodore 64) at the moment though... doesn't mind an occasional 2P game on the PS2, she's a big fan of RPG games... Final Fantasy series, likes The Sims games too.

she's not that great at FPS games, she has trouble doing the mouse and keyboard thing ( :confused: ), but likes watching me go through a new FPS (FEAR, HL2, Quake 4)... she's a bit hooked on Oblivion at the moment too, and Black and White 2 :)

so yeah, girls play video games... she proudly wears this t-shirt i got her for her birthday too from our favourite web comic. (her fav. top at the mo lol)

Haly @ i27 ? Or am i just getting dates mixed up.

Also back on topic, the amount of girls+ladies attending lans is on the rise quite significantly from what ive seen. Its a good thing...
Anim said:
Haly @ i27 ? Or am i just getting dates mixed up.

Also back on topic, the amount of girls+ladies attending lans is on the rise quite significantly from what ive seen. Its a good thing...

Not the only thing on the rise when a girl attends a lan :p
I know a few female gamers mainly from MMGs and past guilds, some were suppriseingly good and were often much more organised and realistic about things in game.

From my RL friends none of the girls understand the boys obsession with computer games let alone actually play them. I think is 1/2 the reason for the lack of girlies playing games is because they have never tried gameing or found the type of game they enjoy, I'm fairly confident that if they had the knowladge of what games to play and the diffrent games avaliable a lot more girliegamers would be arround.
Anim said:
Haly @ i27 ? Or am i just getting dates mixed up.
Nope, going to a lan that my cs clan have organised. :)
Never really been interested in any of the i series events.
Artemic said:
she is outstanding at RTS Games. Her micromanaging/multitasking skills are great.
Aha! I challenge her to a duel!

Whenever I've let a woman loose on my DS it disappears for hours. I think the majority of women simply haven't found the games they enjoy yet.
my girlfriend loves driving games. i was really excited the day i bought need for speed most wanted. got it home, installed, she saw it and i didnt get on the pc for about 4 hours lol -_- shes got a proper car now so i can finally play it :)
My gf plays NFSU. She has just finished Call of duty single player.

My mum plays Dofus, an online french flash game. She is a guild leader!!!

I see plenty of girl gamers at LAN's. Only one has been an attention whore. The majority are good to chat too.

They are some good girl gamers out there.
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