any films you admit crying whilst watching?

Well not afraid to admit that some films have made me cry during them as i tend to find these kind of films are my faves because they stay with you when someone mentions any of them at any time.

A few to list for me.

1.Braveheart - The bit were Wallace (I just think mel gibson is a great actor) lays his wife murren(i think that was her name in it) to rest and of course the execution at the end.

2. Return of the king - i was so involved with these characters by the third film come the end that when i came out of the cinema after seeing this for the first time i felt like emotionally id been in a tumble dryer for three hours on full pelt lol. :(

3. Green mile. Yup the end bit and specifically where john coffey says something like "please dont turn out the light" when he has the bag over his head. Thats a simple thing a lot of us were afraid of when were in our infancy.

A few others aswell but they are the main ones off the top of my head.
I cried during a few films...

City of Angels
Watership Down
My life without me - very sad....

I do enjoy a sad story.... I cried during a few films simply cause they was so bad...
My mother remembers me crying in robocop when i was a kid, the part where he is ambushed and killed by the baddies at the start, and then they make him into robocop, oh and i cried in the hulk, the old TV program (also when i was a bambino)
akuji said:
My mother remembers me crying in robocop when i was a kid, the part where he is ambushed and killed by the baddies at the start, and then they make him into robocop

That's a pretty intense scene for a kid to see and not cry imho. Suppose it depends how old you are and what else you've seen.
Ampeg said:
Thats the only thing ive ever watched thats had me close to crying, saw it again this afternoon and it had the same effect. That dog, its so sad... :( .

Amen to that. I think it's the choice of song that packs the killer emotional punch.
I find the last 10 seconds of Requiem For A Dream gets me when Harry hugs his mum and they say they love eachother, theres just something about that scene, they were all good people really but at the end of the day drugs take no prisoners in who it destroys.

Probably shouldnt admit this one but what about crying to video games??? I cant watch the ending to FF10 with out shedding a tear, in my defence though the cut scenes are so good they could almost be a film, :p
I welled when Juliet woke up in Baz's rendition of Romeo & Juliet *blush*

Also at the bit when Angel tells Buffy that he will be turning back time to stop him becoming human.

I suck, lol
Forest Gump (the grave scene)
Armageddon (when that woman admits that he's not a car salesman, he's his father)
Green Mile (when he finally dies)
The ending of A.I. made me blub and weep. Mercury Rising had me crying throughout the entire film, but that was partly because I was pretty young at the time, I think I'd still shed a tear or two if I saw it again. The child with autism and his situation really gets to you.
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