Any floor tiling guru's?

5 Nov 2004
I've done a bit of tiling before so I know how to lay the tiles but, The floor surface is concrete and although its not really bad I'd like it to be as flat as glass before I start. I was going to screed it using self levelling water based screed but, now someone is telling me that it would be better to use that concrete backer board stuff. What to do :confused:
Buy the boards and put them on the floor first then put the tiles on top. We have done this in several rooms in our house and it has worked fine.

I can't remember the name of the wood, it's like the really thin stuff you get on the back of wardrobes.
stick with your original plan - concrete back board is a bit overkill imo (unless its going in a bathroom, wetroom etc)
matthew_o50 said:
I can't remember the name of the wood, it's like the really thin stuff you get on the back of wardrobes.

hardboard - not really gaining a lot laying hardboard on top of existing concrete - level out where necessary (with self-leveling compound) and tile directly on top.
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