What attracts a client to an Indian developer?
If QuoteA = £200 and QuoteB = £2000, as a client I am thinking, is developerA really going to give me a product which is 10 times better than developerB?
It's all about return on investment. For a new/small business, costs are VERY important. And to spend a huge amount of your startup kitty on a website might not be the best way to spend the money (ie. low return on investment).
Once you get to a stage where your company is generating heaps of revenue, you can now spend the £2k+ which a UK developer might opt for.
So, if you are new or small company. Budgets are low. You want to a simple web presence. For this client an Indian developer (who won't be able to deliver a great website), would be fine.
For a Freelancer trying to get a client to pay 10x the price of an Indian developer - he will really have to make the "sale". The sales pitch will have to be good. For those with a huge portfolio...this should be easier.
OP, what you can do is try it out, bid for some jobs and see what happens.
I just hope you dont get a client who wants the following:
ie. rebuild me facebook for $200!).