Any good spot creams out there?

8 Feb 2006
Hi, as title says, just wondering if there are any spot creams/gels/whatever that anyone can recommend? It's nothing serious, just the odd spot here and there but I would still like to have a clear face.

Zefan said:
Sorry, but someone has to say this. If it's not me it'll be someone else in a minute.


chris_r: I have a similar problem, it's mainly an issue when I have to shave. Going over the spot with the razor just aggravates it.

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NickXX said:
Spot creams don't work imo. I never had serious spots, but had to use antibiotics to get rid of the ones that did appear.

Antibiotics? That seems quite extreme.

I think I'll check out the Clinique For Men - face scrub.
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