Any Harley Riders?

Nothing wrong with a Harley. I only didn't get an Iron 883 because it wasn't practical (LOTs of chrome and hard to reach places) as a commuter.

Sat on a few at the bike show and felt great. Really nice bikes.
Ok, so maybe most people here are power rangers. I just wanted something to slow me down, enjoy the ride. Be comfortable.
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It's on my list for when I've had my fill of being young and folded around a sports bike. I've already grown the beard in preparation.
A lot ride naked and adventure bikes too.

It is sports bike riders who tend to be the snobbiest though :p

Ah well my love for sport bikes is slowly taking a back seat.. after 10 years of riding them I fancy something completely different.

Cant stop looking at this

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It's on my list for when I've had my fill of being young and folded around a sports bike. I've already grown the beard in preparation.

Kinda hit nail on the head.

I used to go out on my gixxer like a power ranger looking to wind it up everywhere but now feel the need to slow down and enjoy it more.
passed the power ranger stage also.. so naked all the way .. i do fancy summit more wife friendly but it will probably be jap custom rather than some pig iron
I think they only really benefit you if your going on really long journeys,and you sit rather low down near the road compared to a sportsbike

You don't have to go fast everywhere on a sports machine either,they make great daily commuters
For me this style of bike is something I'll have when I can't get on to a taller biker. I had this conversation with some random old dude in a car park the other week where he said he now couldn't get on any bike. I did say "the day I can't ride a bike they may as well take me out back and shoot me" and his slumped shoulders made me regret saying that to a bloke well into his retirement :D
I ride a Triumph Rocket. Kinda like a Harley but with way more power.
I like cruisers, having done the sports bike thing for years. I like that on a cruiser no one tries to race you off the lights, even though they wouldn't stand a chance against the Rocket anyway.

I'd like a Harley but they are just too damn expensive for anything that isn't a sportster or a V-Rod.
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