Any idea what could be wrong?

5 Sep 2005
Northern Ireland
(apart from the car being old :p )

Wandered out of work there to run down to the bank, only to find that my car has decided to take an almighty dump of what could be diesel or oil underneath the engine. Still starts up fine, but theres definately about 1/4 of a litre of oil/diesel there, that wasnt there 6 hours ago.

Also, the coolant light on the dash wont go away. Checked the coolant, and its full, checked the oil on the dipstick and its about 3/4's full between the two notches. (why I suspect it might be diesel). It runs, but sounds a bit "funny".

Any ideas? :)
Best to start her up and have a look to see if you can tell where its coming from.
The oil is at much higher pressure when the car is running, so thats why its best to run the engine to check for leaks as you are much more likely to see the leak.
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