Any ideas would be good.

27 Jul 2006
OK i have a new computer that works.

Before i gave my old machine to my brother i copied a lot of usefull info and settings to a SATA hard drive in that machine. I have now fitted it in this machine.

It has come up in disk management but only to re format as a basic drive not to access the info allready on it.

Someone please advise.
Suffering from the same symptoms here too.

Had W-XP Pro on my machine. Installed W-XP Home and now the 2nd drive appears as 'foreign' in Disk Management of Administrative Tools.

I dont want to run the risk of a format then data recovery. Any ideas?



[Edit] Had a bit more of a play. The 'foreign' disk is recognisable and accessable in my other XP-Pro PC. A lot of reading on Microsoft now suggests that dynamic disks are not supported in XP Home at all and to get them back to a basic disk takes a format :( Need to keep digging before doing that though.[/edit]
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Get yourself some sort of Linux Live CD. This should be able to read all of the data on the drive and allow you to copy it elsewhere. Not the sleekest of solutions but has worked for me in the past when a drive has been otherwise unreadable by Windows.

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