Have watched some of his stuff, he is no different to other 'trade secrets' scammers.
Not too surprising, he was a cash equities trader, a job that has basically gone extinct/been automated away in banks. He's leveraged his reality TV show appearance (some program where they got ordinary people to try their hand at trading) to sell training courses.
I wouldn't call him a scammer per se, though I'm not sure that these sorts of courses are much use - nor the idea of trying to trade with him. Likewsie the other guy on that same reality TV show, the fund manager, is or was flogging training courses too.
Banks in general don't seem to be as attractive as they were previously to grads from elite universities - especially given all the stories re: long hours etc..
Tech firms are more appealing these days it seems, nice lifestyle, culture etc.. and for people who would have been attracted to trading in a bank prop firms and hedge funds - the latter of which seem to be more open to some entry level hires these days.
For the tech firms then smashing the google-style coding interview is key and for the prop firms (depending on the flavor) being either a **** hot coder or having a high IQ/quick mental maths and being able to smash the aptitude tests etc.. (the latter favoured by options market makers).
I don't know as much about the actual IB (or indeed PE) side but I guess unless PE firms also recruit at entry level people will still go down the IB route at least for a bit.