Any memories of the old shops we used to visit?

First memories were dad buying games in Toys R Us. The next one was getting Sega and then Amiga games in a shop called Antics in Stroud (but they have branches all over the South West). Although they don't sell video games anymore they're still going as a model shop and I now buy Pokemon cards for my son in there. Apart from the games disapearing from he shelves not much seems to have changed in there. I think my dad first took me in there to get model rail stuff, but the shop was called the Model Shop at that point. I have asked the staff when the name changed, but to them it's before their time.

Other shops were Format in Gloucester for Amiga and PC games. It was a bit of a odd shop since it also sold Jigsaw puzzles as a games, the guy who ran it was probably in his 50s and had no interest at all in computer games. They never stocked Nintendo or Sega games but I seem to remember having some games from that odd 32 bit generation of consoles (3DO, CDi, 32cd etc.).

There were also loads of chains selling games, Dixons, HMV, WHSmith, Woolworths. Two others I remember were Silica who had concessions in Debenhams and MVC which was owned by Woolies. MVC was a fairly decent shop for CDs and Videos (I also remember them stocking Minidiscs and Laserdiscs). The odd thing about them was you had to sign up for a membership card or you'd pay much higher prices.

When I got older I tended to end up going to Swindon more often then Glocuester, I can't remember any independents from back then. My favourite game shops there were Game and Future Zone which later became Electronics Boutique. The two companies then merged, and the EB became a branch of Game and then Game became a Branch of Ann Summers.
Vudata in Ashton-under-lyne.

I don't know how I found this shop as I don't even live in Tameside.

Lived in Tameside my whole life and used to love going to Vudata as a child. The shop remained empty for years after closing down until the building was finally demolished.

For the sake of nostalgia, I still have a boxed copy of Monkey Island 2 from Vudata with the price tag still attached:

Another nearby shop I frequented was Stewart Electronics on Penny Meadow, I remember my mother buying my A500+ Cartoon Classics pack from there for my 13th Birthday.
I remember hanging out at "Bracknell Computers" in the mid-1980's. I sold them one of the two Atari 800xl's I had so they could use it as a display model. I got to know the owners quite well and they let me and my mate hang out in their office playing all the new games. At the time games were £9.99! I also remember applying for a job there once I left school in 1986 but was offered a role with HP at the same time so took that instead.
Thoughts and Crosses in Heckmondwike in the early 80's. It started off as a card shop but branched out into computer games and ended up with a huge selection. I bought most of my Speccy games from there, and a new Speccy when mine got stolen which turned out to be DOA which cheesed me off a bit but at least they swapped it.

Got all my Amiga stuff from a shop in Derbyshire, Heaton or Alfreton or somewhere like that, can't remember it's name though.

*Edit* Gordon Harwood, Alfreton
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In my hometown there was an indoor market type place with a little computer section with games piled on tables and shelves. I could only afford the £1.99 Mastertronic (C64 Finders Keppers/Spellbound!) titles and very rarely the £9.99 games.

Also remember going into the likes of Currys, Dixons etc and where the C64 was on display, hitting run/stop and typing:

10 PRINT "Ivrytwr3 is cool"
20 Goto 10

= Hackerman!
Silica Shop in Sidcup during the 80's along with the hey day of Tottenham Court road in London being th home of all sorts of imported computer and electronic gizmos, Atari 800 and the ST days foir me. Followed later by Strategic Plus Software (SPS) in Hampton Hill Middlesex, who used to import all the latest PC games from the US months before they were available in the UK as well as being on compuserve and providing patches an updates on 3.5" floppy for customer who didn't yet have a modem.

Happy days!
Silica Shop in Sidcup ...!
I want for a job interview for Silica which was in Foots Cray, if I recall correctly. All I can remember from the the interview was having to traverse a big roundabout to attend it! I know, riveting stuff.
I have very fond memories of a shop in Cannock/Cheslyn Hay that was called Computer Bitz. (I think thats how it was spelt)

Every 3 weeks when we would visit my Nan, we could always nip in on the way. His walls were lined with PS1 games (other games probably too) but all I was concerned about during that time of my life was the PS1. It's where I bought my first PS1 from and where I had most of my PS1 games from too. Oh man, the memories.

I'm going to enjoy this sub-forum.
Who remembers when Gamestation was a good shop before it was swallowed up by Game?

They used to sell all sorts of cool stuff from japan and retro stuff. I got the donkey king country trilogy from my local store for a tenner years ago!
A couple more shops from my youth.

1) A game shop near Gants Hill roundabout, Gants Hill, where you could buy games and then return them for a partial refund. Effectively this meant you could rent them as long as you wanted and then return them to swap for another. I think the longer you kept the game the less you got back. I don't recall the shop name but I was forever asking my dad to drive me there. This was in the 1980's when I had my VIC 20 and C64.

2) LAN computers near Ilford. I recall the name because I had a mouse mat with their name on it for years. This was during my Amiga days so a little later than the first shop.
Hah my favourite haunt was Microbyte in the Arndale in Manchester - often had the Amiga games that you'd see in computer magazines that weren't stocked by the main chains. Ultimately taken over by Game I seem to recall.
The nearest city during my youth was Peterborough.

I recall an independent PC gaming shop next to the Wayward Frog (pub) which was just off Cathedral Square in the nineties. The shop always had a decent PC selection.

Electronics Boutique(?) in Queensgate. I have not visited Peterborough since 2002, so my memory is struggling!

As well as the above, there was Beatties (a great model shop!)

All got closed down in the late nineties. :(
I've just stumbled across a folder with some old ST stuff in it. In there I've found my receipt (hand written!) from the Bath Computer Shack for my Mega 4 inc SM124 monitor. A bargain at the time, Jan '89, of £849. 4MB of memory was £800 on its own in those days. Won't mention the price of the 20MB HD drive I bought 3 years earlier for the 512ST I started with.
Virgin Megastore in Oxford Street. I grabbed a freeware copy of Doom 1 there. It was only the first few levels. I'd seen it played at a computer show a few weeks earlier so was eager to get my hands on it, It resulted in me losing so many hours per day for the next few years with Doom and Quake, Quake 2 and Quake 3.

Back in those days it was not uncommon to give away a game for free with a couple of levels, expecting that you would then buy the full game.
Adam’s world in north Finchley, was a great place loads of computers and consoles, remember buying master system and spectrum games there. They had consoles you could try out mega drive, cd 32, etc etc. Bought tons of games and consoles from there. Shame it closed down
Back in the Spectrum days, I remember most of my games coming from markets, normally a stall or 2 selling tapes, normally in collection boxes. I do remember 1 corner shop selling a few games as well, had a rack on the wall with them.

Cartridge days, the 1 I remember the most is Toys R Us. My dad used to work nights so he used to drive us over there very early in the morning, we used to arrive before the shop had even opened, but it did mean we basically had the place to ourselves, which was great. Loved having to get the little slips and having to redeem the game at the counter. Then using the long car ride hime to read the manual.
The nearest city during my youth was Peterborough.

I recall an independent PC gaming shop next to the Wayward Frog (pub) which was just off Cathedral Square in the nineties. The shop always had a decent PC selection.

Electronics Boutique(?) in Queensgate. I have not visited Peterborough since 2002, so my memory is struggling!

As well as the above, there was Beatties (a great model shop!)

All got closed down in the late nineties. :(

Peterborough was my knocking ground as well during the 90s.

EB was my usual venue of choice, however that independent on the corner did have a great Amiga selection. Think I picked up SWOS from there.

During my SNES days, it was mainly Dixons.

In Spalding (my town as a child and a teenager) I used to get my Spectrum games from Boots (they always seemed to have the best selection), and WHSmith had a few kicking about if I remember but the selection was pants compared to Boots.

I also used to ask my mum to order games for me from a catalogue called ' Special Reserve' I think.
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