Any men here had "the snip" over the last year or so? (Not Medical)

Not sure how long it takes, but I do recall people mentioning walking like a cowboy for several days. :D
You're seriously not considering getting little Billy demoted are you?

Personally I think women underestimate just how much power and influence that have over men. No man in his right mind would ever WILLINGLY get that done.

"Get it done or no more sex for you."
"Yes miss."

- Sorry, dunno about the waiting lists hehe.
it depends if you are getting it done under local anaesthetic or a daycase general anaesthetic

the wait for the latter is usually a little longer

your gp will know who the local surgeons who do it are and the rough wait - can be up to a few months

a complicating factor outwith of your control is the new hospital consultant contract which affects the way in which surgeons and hospital trusts are paid for this type of work, and if anything is slowing down the number of vasectomies being able to be done

and no it isn't particularly painful :)

you also need to know it is done with the intention that it will not be able to be reversed at a future date. you will also need to provide semen samples 2 and 3 months post-op to be tested to make sure there are no sperm there before it is 100% safe to go 'bareback'

hope this helps
encephalopathy said:
it depends if you are getting it done under local anaesthetic or a daycase general anaesthetic

the wait for the latter is usually a little longer

your gp will know who the local surgeons who do it are and the rough wait - can be up to a few months

a complicating factor outwith of your control is the new hospital consultant contract which affects the way in which surgeons and hospital trusts are paid for this type of work, and if anything is slowing down the number of vasectomies being able to be done

and no it isn't particularly painful :)

you also need to know it is done with the intention that it will not be able to be reversed at a future date. you will also need to provide semen samples 2 and 3 months post-op to be tested to make sure there are no sperm there before it is 100% safe to go 'bareback'

hope this helps

Thanks for help mate.

And to previous poster.....part of the reason for surgery like this is to *remove* power from the woman. ;)

Trust me.
don't mean to scare you but my dad had it done about 10 days ago and my mum's at the hospital with him at the moment:( they think he might have an infection or something. and i don't know about cowboy, he can barely stand up, he always was a bit of a woman though. (even more now though i guess :D)
lol reminds me of an episode of scrubs where Dr Perry Cox gets the snip then has it undone then gets it done again :p
what is it / whats it for ? I never concerned myself with it. Isnt it to stop producing babies or something?
Was snipped 10 years ago , paid £110 to have it done privately , meant I could book the time to suit me with no risk of the Op being bumped/cancelled.

It was done under local , the Quack had an evil sense of humour , showed me the bits he had cut out :eek:
Okay so you mean A Vasectomy...

Heard that the OP is reversable also further down the line if you change your mind...
UOcUK Poopscoop said:
.....part of the reason for surgery like this is to *remove* power from the woman. ;)

I know exactly what you mean and I have considered it for that same reason.

Breeze blocks for the win. ;)
mrgubby said:
Was snipped 10 years ago , paid £110 to have it done privately , meant I could book the time to suit me with no risk of the Op being bumped/cancelled.

It was done under local , the Quack had an evil sense of humour , showed me the bits he had cut out :eek:

Just fell off my chair laughing !!!

That Seriously true?
Gimpymoo said:
Just fell off my chair laughing !!!

That Seriously true?

Yup , It was 'tug-tug-snip-wriggle'


"ah , MrGubby , this is what we remove"

Was so smashed out of my head with a Valium injection I just laughed :D
Gimpymoo said:
Just fell off my chair laughing !!!

That Seriously true?
Best laugh I've had all day. :D

Seriously though, that Doc was crazy! :eek:

I'd have passed out if he did that to me. :eek::o
mrgubby said:
Yup , It was 'tug-tug-snip-wriggle'


"ah , MrGubby , this is what we remove"

Was so smashed out of my head with a Valium injection I just laughed :D

Oooo Valium was funny!!! Was a very nice feeling! Had a broken arm so had to be put to sleep and had valium to numb the pain, felt really tired, tried to count to 10, didnt work though.
One of the guys at work had it done recently. Was gone under a general anesthetic. *too bloody right!*

Best bit - his wife *sick and twisted person that she is* asked the doctor to put a jar next to his bed with a couple of pickled walnuts in. :D
Post it note was attached - "I told should have gone private"

Apparently - he freaked.. We laughed our asses off.
He spent the next few days walking very gingerly too.

hah, had it done a couple of years ago. Went to the docs and he said about a 6 month wait, which was fine by me as I needed that long to mentally prepare lol, then I got a letter through th door giving me an appointment for 4 weeks time.

Doesnt hurt physically other than the local aneasthetic (I hate needles anyway) then its just a bit of tugging so to speak. Worst bit is the mental abguish lol. Lying there on a table with 2 doctors and a nurse prodding and cutting down there whilst you are wide awake isnt the best way to spend 30 minutes! They had terrible taste in music too. I had mine done to status quo :/
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