ANy new PC speaker systems due from the big boys any time soon?

8 Sep 2005
Creatives Gigaworks S750 has been out for a few years now and contains the fundamental technical flaw that cripples it (ie: it dies. A lot)... and Logitechs Z-5500 range is decent but has too much base and people complain about the mid-range.

Does anyone know if either Creative or Logitech are planning any new 5.1/7.1 speakers any time soon? I tried Googling and checking sites but can't find anything... and i'm really looking to upgrade my rooms sound sytem from the poor T6100 speaker set i have now. I see Logitech recently launched a G51 speaker set but it doesn't say whether they are planning any development form this. I'm really looking for something equivalent in quality to the S750's, but more reliable.

I would look into seperates but I a) know sod all about them, and b) am not sure if the cost would rocket over a dedicated PC speaker set. :)
people are always going to complain about the midrange unless they bring out a set with much bigger satellites. i cant see that happening unless they are prepared to increase the cost of it, which probably wouldnt go down well with customers. however, surely they are due some new sets out soon. it feels like there hasnt been anything in quite a while.
I never see the point of buying speakers specifically for a PC, connect your speaker out to a decent AMP then go from there :)

Unfortunately I don't know enough about seperates and non-PC speaker systems etc to know how i'd go about building a PC capable system that could run all my games, TV etc. Plus, budget is max £250.
@ Richdog, I was personally told by the boss here that Creative were launching new speakers after Xmas (2007).

Nothing has arrived apart from the lesser kits that were launched before Xmas.

I ideally need a better 7.1 Kit, but as you say the above kit is old and dies a lot.

You ideally want Cambridge Soundworks to make the speakers with only a Creative badge, think the Gigaworks should all be.
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