Any Nissan Or Mitsubishi Pickup Owners On Here?

13 Apr 2013
La France
Interested in hearing how you’ve found them in terms of comfort, versatility and reliability.

Particularly the Mitsubishi L200 and the Nissan Navara.

Looking for something robust to handle general hauling/towing duties as well as seating 5 in reasonable comfort for 1-2 hour journeys.
If you need a workhorse - sounds like OP is closer to a lifestyle requirement and for that you can do better.

IIRC from when I was reading up that was only pre to 2011 models? supposedly the newer ones don't have that issue.

I need something that can survive the rural French D and C roads whilst carrying furniture, building materials, gardening and swimming pool supplies as well as carrying 4 passengers and luggage for airport runs.
Hope that’s easily fixed.

I really like the Renault badged version of the Navara (Alaskan), but even the oldest used ones go for over €30K which is way more than I’d foolishly hoped to spend.
Not that I drive recklessly hah especially not in a pickup but I'd forgotten how much fun rear-wheel drive is just something satisfying about the cornering I'd forgotten I was missing in front-wheel drive vehicles.

Rolling into corners and then powering out is far more fun in RWD vehicle. FWD is easy mode until you do something stupid.

Like I did yesterday while towing my 500kg unbraked trailer up to the local recycling depot. Winding uphill rural road with high crown and either dead-flat or slightly adverse cambers in the turns. Because I was only doing 50-60KPH, I ignored the “fresh gravel” caution signs and took the worst tightening turn at usual speed. Big mistake as the road is basically several centimetres of loose gravel on top of that which actually bonded to the fresh tar. Should have known better as a thin layer of new tar and at least twice as much gravel as needed is the standard road repair technique out here in the sticks.

So, both Duster and trailer are riding on a wave of loose gravel towards the ditch on the other side of the road. Being FWD, lifting off doesn’t help at all and I have to drop to second and floor it to straighten up and make the turn. Got a wave and a “I know you almost ****** that up” grin from the farmer stood in his field at the top of the road.

I think that it’s probably a good thing that I didn’t get a proper pickup truck..
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