Any Rome total war experts about?

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
I could do with some help here, I've won a few battles but seem to be getting into trouble when the gauls hold my towns at siege. Any ideas the best way to fight them or how best to raise my armies and stuff?
To be honest, even with a Wooden Wall it's easy to hold a siege off. Mass Hetasti in front of the gate, One troop directly in front of it, another behind them and one off to each side. Have one lot of heavy cavalry way off to one side. Let one troop at a time deal with them as they come through the gate, then move one in as casualties increase. If they start to break through, although they should take heavy casualties charge them with the horse to break them then push back with the Hetasti.
Cheers guys marvelous tips there. I'm going to load up my game and put those tactics into effect, Windle, cheers mate I needed help with that.
as for the arrows, they only come later in the game after some event. (cant remember exactly) What I would do is get another army to attack their rear as you defend, probably heavy horse as theyll need to be fast.
Great idea mate, I'll try it.

At the mo Im in a bad situation, being attacked by around 500 mental unwashed sweaty Gauls and only having around 200 men, its not looking good lol. :rolleyes:
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Windle said:
I defeated a force of 430 men with 160 men using the method above for defending in a siege.

Aye, its easy when you know how.

My personal best for defending in a siege was 600 men vs 1600+ equites and my commander took out the general while the remainder of the force had committed past the walls (let them a long way in) then had them pinned between my ground troops and a rank of Velites (may have been gladiator spearmen) and about 140 horsemen, managed to break three of the groups at the same time (big morale killer) and then just went about slaughtering them at my leisure with the horsies

Personally I like equites in a siege put a couple of ranks of them at one of the other gates then charge them down to one side (outside the walls) when they break through the gates let them in about half way and then plug em with hastati, town guards or principes whichever are your current cannon fodder

then bring your two ranks of equites (or heavies if you've got em) down behind the remainder of the force and charge one in and leave the others behind, then bring the first group back out and charge with the second, Rinse and repeat...

Cavalry charges do serious morale damage >: )
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Coo lIm gonna put this plan into action. I tried the other tactic before but unfortuanatly lost but it was only a narrow defeat, and a lot better than last night when my men were slaughterd and half of them ran away lol.
Jimbo said:
Coo lIm gonna put this plan into action. I tried the other tactic before but unfortuanatly lost but it was only a narrow defeat, and a lot better than last night when my men were slaughterd and half of them ran away lol.

what guys are you using? Town guards and Peasants tend to get routed really easily and if you get more than two routing at the same time its hell to keep the rest of your force in the fight.

I had a really really nasty fight last night trying to take the gaul capital, I overwhelmed him horribly but he made a couple of really great charges and broke enough of my hastati! to completely nerf the principe and everything else behind, then his footmen came out and completely floored me before I managed to kill his general and retreat.

the general took so many soldiers to down but it was well worth it as he was the faction leader and I've been chasing him for about 25 turns! Now I just need to reform the legions and take the city it should be easy.
I have quite a few cavalry units some hastarti and the missle throwing units (cant remember what there called off hand.
If Rome, take the gaul lands south of the moutains and raise some Gaul mercenaries and build approx 5 forts to fence your self in abit around the mountains. Should keep you sorted for a while, untill greece takes a liking to you.

May I also suggest making another install of RTw and installing this wonderful mod
I love this game, im near completion ive just took over rome and now all hells breaking loose against the other roman factions ive got tonnes of money at 30000 a turn so i currently got nearly 2 million :p
And what do i go and do unistall it and download patch 1.2 and the total realism mod, i hope it makes the game impossibly better :p
Jimbo said:
Cheers for that Spacky, that looks very interesting indeed.

Yeah Rome TR is fantastic. Never went back to the origninal after installing it infact. I think the resident TR guru is philstanbridge - no doubt he'll show up in this thread before long. :)
So this TR mod will let me choose any faction at start as all ive been lucky to dabble at is gaul and the carthage. What makes it more realistic then the ai make the ppl more believable is there gonna be blood.
Does tr put a little more strain on your system than it would normally.
download 97% im getting excited.
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