Any Rome total war experts about?

bakes0310 said:
So this TR mod will let me choose any faction at start as all ive been lucky to dabble at is gaul and the carthage. What makes it more realistic then the ai make the ppl more believable is there gonna be blood.
Does tr put a little more strain on your system than it would normally.
download 97% im getting excited.

Its more of a historically acurrate thing iirc, I played one of the earliery ones but didnt get the newest one to work, its a very good mod though.
yep you can play any faction from a long list, providing you set a preference in the text file to FALSE. (First time play thing), or run through the tutorial whichever you prefer.

There's a whole host of modifications to the game, some large some small, but all make it much much better. It is added realism in the most part, but the AI has been dealt an improved hand too. The graphics have received a face lift. It's a great mod, and V7 is on the horizon apparently.

Read through the readme prior to installing if possible, I think its only compatible with 1.3 - if you patch to 1.5 first it wont work properly.

As for a system hog, it depends on the size of the battles.
ive just had a play with four factions and it didnt seem as fun as the roman factions. Im gonna have another go see what other factions there is but ill probaly go back to the romans.
Also at the start of the campaign it says the SPQR is destroyed :confused:
bakes0310 said:
ive just had a play with four factions and it didnt seem as fun as the roman factions. Im gonna have another go see what other factions there is but ill probaly go back to the romans.
Also at the start of the campaign it says the SPQR is destroyed :confused:

Each faction plays differently - and every faction has its strong and weak points. This is one of the great things about the mod.

SPQR doesnt exist in the modification, it is a unified Rome. They have done away with the senate as such.
Ive just found an interetsing faction the ithorians there enemies are the gauls to the north and the carthage to the south. They recommend i attack carthage first and try to allie with the gaul for as long as possible. Is there any advice i could do with.
I know this is a real noob question, but does this look a good formation to try in the game...

Jimbo said:
I know this is a real noob question, but does this look a good formation to try in the game...

looks fine to me, I myself ussually put the general with the rest of the calvary and grouped them to one side farther off (makes it easier to get behind the enemy I think), but thats just personal preference really.
I had such a laugh before I wish I had of got a screenshot.. I had took on about 500 slavering hairy guals, all standing there before the battle kicked off shouting insults at me. I noticed I had a single peasant in amongst my armies, so I sent the poor guy on a mental charge at the enemy lol, all by himself, needles to say they made mince meat of him in record time.

Haha it was a classic moment, the brave little guy just ran screaming into them, whilst my army stood watching rather amused lol. :D
The tactics definitely differ depending on the faction - I like to group my missile units behind hoplite (or equivalent) infantry and keep them as stationary as possible. I've just defeated the Romans (as the Seleucids) and they were as hard as nails, and that was before the Marius reform!
philstanbridge said:
The tactics definitely differ depending on the faction - I like to group my missile units behind hoplite (or equivalent) infantry and keep them as stationary as possible. I've just defeated the Romans (as the Seleucids) and they were as hard as nails, and that was before the Marius reform!

I do love the romans, not 100% sure that all the units are improved after the reform, but I've only got the basic legionairre cohorts at the moment, I should imagine centurions are bloody tough ;)

Gunna play through my RTW game then install TR (just about to wipe out gaul) then its onto Lincolnshire! :D
I prefer to start with a few missile units out in front to harass the enemy and to tempt their units to break formation, that makes it easier then to pin down and slaughter some of their units using your swordsmen etc and mess up the enemy morale.
The Total Realism mod also adds new settlements, I found with the original that they were too few and far between, also the map is bigger with more factions in the east.
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The map is huge with the TR modification installed. You get indian AOR troops, different types of elephants, both indian and African, and chariots etc etc.. Many additional things you just dont get with the stock installation. It's well worth a try!
It's probably not worth it as Phil said but I'm the kind who likes to try the original and get some mileage from that first, although I then got a little confused with the changes made in the mod, so I'd say get straight into the total realism as it will save you playing around with patch levels when modding the game.
I wouldnt play the unmodified version at all if I'm being honest - like others have said there are just too many differences in the campaign to warrant it - it's likely to confuse you if you are a total novice. If anyone wants any info about the mod just catch me on MSN. I dont even play Barbarian Invasion vanilla because of this - I tried it once and its awful in comparison. I much prefer the "realism" aspect. Version 7 of Total Realism will be for BI just for you information! The improved scripts and engine are going to make it something special - and dont even get me started on Medieval Total War II Total Realism.. :D
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