it will also die in a month after release exactly the same.
then those that play bf will be back playing bf4.
A DICE FPS based on Star Wars and supported by an EA marketing campaign? I seriously doubt it.
It has Star Wars in the title, but doesn't have space battles.
Because it was made by the Company and dev team responsible for Battefield, has replaced Battlefied 5 (BC3/2142 etc etc) in the line up.
So regardless of what they call it, some people will be expecting a Battlefield game
Well those people are wrong...
Battlefield 5 is out in 2016.
Never seen the movies.
So because Hardline was a flop(which was obvious from miles away), Star Wars Battlefront must also be a flop? Cuz that is the general basis of your reasoning. I could also continue on and then claim that every shooter DICE ever makes from now will be a flop because Hardline sucked.doubt it all you want.bf4 shows all.
people want battlefield from battlefield not gimmicks.they dropped medal of honor for this reason then try and make cash in titles in between.
hardline was a flop .
next great idea lets make starwars that will be a big win = no.
cash-in titles are exactly that.they are great for short period then you see it as it is. no substance or real thought and it is back to the REAL game with the backbone.
so in battlefields case bf4.
wish their was more competition but they have it sown up so they can just put out any old **** now slang some millions behind marketing and people lap it up.
the funny or sad thing about it is people buy the title many times just because its new or nothing else about to play. as so many fps titles are lackluster .
its not because its good which if you went of the numbers it may seem so.
thing is its a vicious circle cause because it sold so many units due to people searching for a good fps or cause its new the people just do the exact same thing over and over. nothing changes and crappy fps games get continued to be made.