Any way to get DOSbox based progs to use a USB printer?

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
I've got a customer who has had to ditch his old Star LC-10 after it vibrated itself to bits. So he rushed out and bought a shiney HP all-in-one thingy. Which is USB based.

And he's using SuperCalc 5. Which is kinda old. And doesn't want to play with this printer at all.

Are there any parrallel port spoofing type progs around to enable old software to use new hardware.

He's got Excel too, but they phased out the SuperCalc->Excel filter in Excel 95.

Any suggestions?

Control Panel > Printers > Right click selected printer and select Properties > Ports tab > choose a port

Should work - seem to remember doing that a while ago, in 98.
if you can specify the port in supercalc, as in specify LPT1 then you can use "net use lpt1: \\machine\printershare" to map the usb printer to the LPT1: port.

works with a really old version of sage we have :)
ooooh, useful cheers.

Means i get to hit them with another callout fee when i go in for half an hour on monday morning (i love corporate customers!)
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