Any ways to make vista use less memory?

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Anyone know if there are anyways for vista to use less memory, im currently just browsing the internet, and its using 740mb!, My old computer had 512mb of ram, it wouldnt of had a chance.

So are there any ways? or have i gotta order another 1gb stick lol.
Wasted ram is bad ram. Vista will take advantage of all the ram in your system to speed things up. However, if a program (Eg. a game) requires a lot of ram Vista will make the ram it's using available to it :)
tomanders91 said:
Anyone know if there are anyways for vista to use less memory, im currently just browsing the internet, and its using 740mb!, My old computer had 512mb of ram, it wouldnt of had a chance.

So are there any ways? or have i gotta order another 1gb stick lol.

Isn't a lot of that being used as cache though, so the amount appears higher than it actually is?
Dont waste your money on more Ram, Vista is screwed, M$ admitted that it was a serious sytem hog and are now fast tracking the service pack to get it fixed, so buying more ram aint gona fix it as as said abover it will just take that as well, wait till its fixed. :)
No it isn't. It's complete and utter BS and you are fool to even believe it.

Vista uses a lot of memory because otherwise the memory would be sitting there not doing or helping anything. It's called Superfetch. The idea is to keep RAM usage as high as possible so that almost everything you do on your computer is pre-cached. Memory in use by the Superfetch component of the kernel can be reclaimed instantly so it doesn't affect performance when you load a game or whatever up. The overall result is higher performance.
SOFTWARE FIRM Microsoft has put the first service pack for its new super soaraway Vista operating system, which has not even made it onto the consumer market, on the "fast track". That is to say, it is hurrying up.

According to APC.mag, Monsignor Vole is planning the service pack for the operating system for the second half of this year.

Vista SP1 is code named "Fiji", presumably after a pretty looking island which is paralysed by coups.

In a statement regarding the service pack Microsoft admits that Vista has "high impact" problems. We assume that this is not because Vista fails to perform after it is dropped out of an aircraft and is probably a euphemism.

This week it is calling for its chums, customers and partners to actively test Fiji and provide feedback.
Dunno, OP never mentioned superfetch etc... he just said all im doing is browsing and its using about 740mb, anyway to stop it using to much Ram, but thats what it does as it has high impact probs which ive shown above, service pack is getting fast tracked to fix it.
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LoadsaMoney said:
Dunno, OP never mentioned superfetch etc... he just said anyway to stop it using to much Ram, but thats what it does as it has high impact probs, which ive shown above, service pack is getting fast tracked to fix it.

But its only appearing to use so much RAM because of superfetch, not because of a 'high impact problem'

I have 1GB and my usage is constantly 60-70%, yet its quicker than XP.
LoadsaMoney said:
SOFTWARE FIRM Microsoft has put the first service pack for its new super soaraway Vista operating system, which has not even made it onto the consumer market, on the "fast track". That is to say, it is hurrying up.

According to APC.mag, Monsignor Vole is planning the service pack for the operating system for the second half of this year.

Vista SP1 is code named "Fiji", presumably after a pretty looking island which is paralysed by coups.

In a statement regarding the service pack Microsoft admits that Vista has "high impact" problems. We assume that this is not because Vista fails to perform after it is dropped out of an aircraft and is probably a euphemism.

This week it is calling for its chums, customers and partners to actively test Fiji and provide feedback.
That's cool'n'all but do you actually have an article that relates to this thread?

Superfetch is a design decision and isn't going to be "fixed" in a service pack. The high impact problems Microsoft talk about are related to hardware compatibility and software bugs - the sort of things that service packs fix.

Vista SP1 certainly won't be the quickest service pack in Windows history. Windows 95 holds that record. With 3 maintenance releases in the space a year.
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squiffy said:
So if I disable Superfetch service available RAM should go up?
If NathanE is right, then you'll just have that available RAM sitting around doing nothing instead of increasing (or at least... not decreasing) the performance of Vista.
LoadsaMoney said:
Dunno, OP never mentioned superfetch etc... he just said all im doing is browsing and its using about 740mb, anyway to stop it using to much Ram, but thats what it does as it has high impact probs which ive shown above, service pack is getting fast tracked to fix it.

Firstly, the article makes no mention of "MS admitting Vista is a serious system hog".

And secondly.

Taken with a pinch of salt, to be honest.
squiffy said:
So if I disable Superfetch service available RAM should go up?
Yes but why would you want to do that? It's like filling your car all the way up with petrol but reprogramming the fuel gauge to read ~30% lower than it is. Utterly pointless. And in the process you also hurt performance.
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Yes, I think people have misconceptions about RAM usage.

PROGRAMS that REQUIRE lots of RAM can be considered a problem, as they will hog your system resources.

An OS that make use of as much RAM as possible and then releases it to other programs as they need it, is NOT bloatware, or a resource hog, it is just very efficient!

As Nathan says, what good is unused RAM? You should WANT your RAM to be used!
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