Any ways to make vista use less memory?

From the sounds of it, I'm going to disable this feature. If I want the OS to load word I want it to load when I open the application and not before.
why though? it doesn't hurt performance, and it just means that when you decide to click on word, it'll open faster.

If it's sitting in the RAM, and you don't open word, you decide to do something else that needs the ram space, it'll be instantly replaced.
dirtydog said:
It still might have been an idea to include the option for power users to configure Superfetch to only include certain types of files, or to exclude certain apps or filetypes.
I agree and as soon as I get a chance I'll find the place where you setup the in/exclusion list. No doubt there is a powertoy coming that will put a front-end on it.
Applications load fast enough on my XP install, and that's on a PATA drive. Only Photoshop takes a little longer to load. I've noticed HD accessing more too.

Do you really need rubbish like notepad pre-loaded? No. And with machines with less RAM I really don't think pre-fetch is such a good idea.
therubble said:
If u have a nvidia card, go into the driver control panel and turn off the automatic upscaling, caused me no end of issues, once I did that my machine was as quick as, or quicker than XP in games, I mostly play HL2DM, CSS and WOW.

I have a 6800GS and all my issues just went away.
Whereabouts in the settings is this?
Display > Appearance > Change Flat Panel Scaling

That? Its on "Use Nvidia Scaling" at the moment. Was set to use built in scaling but changing made no difference.

What resolution you play at? Trying to get CS:S to acceptable frame rates at 1920*1200 is gonna be a headache I can just tell ;D
NathanE said:
I agree and as soon as I get a chance I'll find the place where you setup the in/exclusion list. No doubt there is a powertoy coming that will put a front-end on it.

TweakVI has a section for prefetcher and superfetch 'optimisation'...

Reset and reinitialise the prefetcher, enable/disable and select app, boot or both prefetching (and optimise superfetch for the latter too).

That's it though if some folks need finer tuning still.
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