Anybody bought any HP EPYC Servers recently?

Big boys toys. There is more cores in this rack than the 3 epyc servers currently have in the rack next door.

I hope that you make a poor underpaid rookie to come into this being full production just for the sheer hilarity of it! I personally think you're absolutely off your trolley for doing something like this, but I hope it also works out! I appreciate that it's not just rammed in there.
I hope that you make a poor underpaid rookie to come into this being full production just for the sheer hilarity of it! I personally think you're absolutely off your trolley for doing something like this, but I hope it also works out! I appreciate that it's not just rammed in there.

They are all labaled what could possibly go wrong :D I even provisioned 4 spares just so we can swing people across should we have any issues. Ive been running everything out of the DC now since around july is it? Still it's been no trouble at all, not really. They are set to turn themselves on if they get turned off, they will also schedule power on requests every day for any that get turned off. I think we have had about 4 power down issues and one machine that refused to restart one day. Other than that it's silky smooth and we have a big enough pipe to cope.

During these crazy times we do crazy things to adapt and keep the cash flow where it needs to be, for all the crazyness, trust me, this is actually also smart, I'll save almost 3k a month on just the rack space. If I told you how much they cost me a unit I think you would agree :)
Oh I can definitely see some of the advantages whilst it's smooth running and cost-savings. I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to my DC stuff I guess haha.
Oh I can definitely see some of the advantages whilst it's smooth running and cost-savings. I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to my DC stuff I guess haha.

Honestly from a DC side yes I agree, it's errr not your norm. :D Thats what makes it kinda cool and very random! If it wasn't properly left field stuff it wouldn't have deserved a post :P
@Vince What you using all them machines for? So each user can VPN into a remote desktop? Please tell me this isn't the case? :D

They are in fact users desktops. The reason they are in here is we had to give up our office for the moment. The problem... well when we go back to an office we need machines and we need to be able to move pretty quickly. But what we also want is some flexibility, with a full vdi solution we could have done this but at what cost? We needed to keep the costs and running cheap while we ride this out and work out what we want to do. At current estimations when would you send your staff back to a central london office? This is a short term solution to a big problem. Also it's not all vpn we have rds so they have options. RDS, VPN, Run everything remote because we have our dms and email exposed to the web. It's all about offering working flexibility.

The remote desktops allow for people to run multiple screens their side without putting any strain on the core. I dunno there are many ways to do this but how do you quickly transition in the space of 3 weeks to having an office to not having one? This is the question.
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They are in fact users desktops. The reason they are in here is we had to give up our office for the moment. The problem... well when we go back to an office we need machines and we need to be able to move pretty quickly. But what we also want is some flexibility, with a full vdi solution we could have done this but at what cost? We needed to keep the costs and running cheap while we ride this out and work out what we want to do. At current estimations when would you send your staff back to a central london office? This is a short term solution to a big problem. Also it's not all vpn we have rds so they have options. RDS, VPN, Run everything remote because we have our dms and email exposed to the web. It's all about offering working flexibility.

The remote desktops allow for people to run multiple screens their side without putting any strain on the core. I dunno there are many ways to do this but how do you quickly transition in the space of 3 weeks to having an office to not having one? This is the question.

A solution is a solution. Plenty of desktops to go around once they return. What's been used for the VPN? How many concurrent connections?
A solution is a solution. Plenty of desktops to go around once they return. What's been used for the VPN? How many concurrent connections?

I have 4x netgate xg 7100 1u and a 1gb pipe. I also have routing out for windows rds,owa, exchange anywhere, dms anywhere etc, you can hit almost all services ria a rds session or direct. so you can work in multiple ways without the need for a vpn. 100 concurrent ish.
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I have 4x netgate xg 7100 1u and a 1gb pipe. I also have routing out for windows rds,owa, exchange anywhere, dms anywhere etc, you can hit almost all services ria a rds session or direct. so you can work in multiple ways without the need for a vpn. 100 concurrent ish.

Great solution. No VPN? Even better! Not used anything like that, always done remote over VPN. Never used windows RDS, may have to have a look into it. Did you set this up or did someone else set this up for you? :)

You using single licences per workstation or a server licence? Does it cost much per user?
Great solution. No VPN? Even better! Not used anything like that, always done remote over VPN. Never used windows RDS, may have to have a look into it. Did you set this up or did someone else set this up for you? :)

You using single licences per workstation or a server licence? Does it cost much per user?

I have 3x datacenter licenses at the core with cals for core cal, exchange, sql etc. Licensing is expensive 50k p/a ish. And yes I set it all up. We donhave a vpn as the pfsense firewalls can and do run openvpn but it isnt essential with our infrastructure.
Ouch! nice bill there.

It's a bit pricey - That's without widows 10 licensing as they are all OEM! - It also is just what we pay MS - So doesn't include things like vsphere, zscaler, continuity, dms, etc etc... total licensing p/a is somewhere in the region of 100k. Just got home from the DC actually, left at a nice early 5am and moved the rest over, as soon as the image host website is up ill show you what she looks like now :D
It's a bit pricey - That's without widows 10 licensing as they are all OEM! - It also is just what we pay MS - So doesn't include things like vsphere, zscaler, continuity, dms, etc etc... total licensing p/a is somewhere in the region of 100k. Just got home from the DC actually, left at a nice early 5am and moved the rest over, as soon as the image host website is up ill show you what she looks like now :D

You got an image host website running from that dc? :confused: why not just use imgur
You got an image host website running from that dc? :confused: why not just use imgur

Hell no I normally use but that appears to be broken so I found a different one :D 70 minis all rocking and rolling. Today I cable tied every psu to shelves around the back. Moved the remaining machines over and emptied another rack!


I do have a problem with one of my epyc servers that I discovered, one nic seems to be running at 10mb rather than 1000 so I removed it from the virtual switch and vmotioned a few machines around to remove important services off of that host but ill have a closer look at that next week when I go there.

Perhaps next week ill move the top shelf down a bit and put another shelf in there so that the 4 machines sitting on top can have their own shelf. Still plenty of work to do and i'm currently a switch down as well so ill need to wire that back in at some point. Really I should put that into the core as my current spare switch is actually a lot better than my current core switch. Problem is my core switch has a load of config so ill have to spend a bit of time and work out what is next.
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