Anybody had laser eye treatment?

18 Oct 2002
A while back I applied to join the Police. Passed the papersift and interview only to discover that my eyesight wasn't at the required standard. :(

My option is to either give up with the application or invest into have my short sightedness corrected via laser surgery. Cost is £1185, which I can afford no problem but I've obviously been researching the proceedure and some of the possible complications are really putting me off!

Anyone here had laser eye surgery? What kind of results did you get after treatment? Any complications?
What I don't get is you need to pass this test to get in but once in your eyesight can go to pot and you can have glasses and no one will give a crap

Doesn't make sense to me....
I'll post what I always do in these threads regarding laser eye surgery.

I had laser eye surgery around 4 years back now, and whilst it wasn't cheap, it really is the best money that I've ever spent. To wake up on a morning and not have to reach for your glasses is a fantastic feeling when you've been having to do that for the past god knows how many years.

The surgery was carried out by Optimax in Leeds and consisted of 3 stages - the initial consultation, the surgery itself, and then a final consultation. After speaking to the surgeon during the initial consultation, I opted to go for LASEK treatment as it seemed the ideal treatment for myself. This was priced at £495 per eye, though I believe this has now gone up to £595 per eye.

The surgery itself was painless, if a little unpleasent due to the smell of burning flesh that occurs during the procedure. Immediately afterwards I could see ok, however after about 10 minutes my vision started to blur and eventually I had to close my eyes. I had been advised that this would happen and was expecting it. What I wasn't expecting was the pain that started. I will be perfectly honest here - just so you know what you may be getting yourself into - the pain I experienced that day is about the worst I've ever felt. For between 12 and 18 hours my eyes felt like large amounts of grit were being constantly ground into them. I spent the rest of the day in agony taking the strongest painkillers I could, as often as I could. I eventually managed to drift off to a restless sleep that night and thankfully, come the next morning, the pain had eased right off. I still couldn't see at this stage however it was such a relief not to be in pain that I just didn't care.

It took me another 2 days to regain some vision, and the better part of a week for it to get to the stage where I could go out into town and whatnot. My vision was still improving at this point however and after another week it got to the point where I could drive around without needing glasses - something that I could have never contemplated before. When my vision had finally finished correcting itself, I went back and had the final consultation and was signed off as having near perfect vision.

Yes it took a reasonabley long period of time for my eyes to get to that stage, and yes I was in a lot of pain the day I had the operation, but despite all this I would still recommend it to anybody that has to wear glasses but hates doing so. It has made such a large difference to my life I can't imagine what it would be like to have to wear glasses again. It has also saved me money in the long term - I was paying £20+ a month for contacts and god knows how much for glasses and lenses each year. I think at the time I worked it out that I would have broken even after 5 years, and started saving money in the 6th.

If you do decide to go for it, just be aware of the possible side effects and read as much as possible on the various treatments available to give yourself the best understanding of what is likely to happen

Slightly off topic, how come you are required to have laser eye surgery? Is wearing glasses or contacts not allowed in the force these days?
Trojan said:
Slightly off topic, how come you are required to have laser eye surgery? Is wearing glasses or contacts not allowed in the force these days?

I was just going to say, I'm sure as long as your vision is correctable by wearing glasses you're ok?
Had mine done about a month ago Optimax in Bristol.

Went for Lasik and cost about £2300 :eek:

However my vision is now very good, haven't had it confirmed but it is 20:20.

Edit: Lasik was pretty much pain free, i'd say that evening i just slept for 3 hours and after that I was fine.
That is quite frankly a mystery to me as well.

I could understand if I wore glasses and I was involved in a scuffle with somebody during an arrest. Glasses could be knocked off my face and I'd have trouble seeing then. Would be difficult to identify suspect, chasing after them etc.

But I wear contact lenses that are pretty nigh on impossible to accidently come out. But my girlfriends brother in law pointed out the other day, if I had to go to court then eyesight is one thing solicitors and barristers could really pick up on.

As part of the medical for the police you're required to read a chart from distance unaided and with glasses/contacts if you wear them. Its the former I have a problem with.
Had it done, cost about £2500ish for both eyes, both done at the same time, no complications, great vision now, great investment.
I had mine done about 7 years ago, and had LASIK performed at Ultralase in Central London.
No pain whatsoever, and the smell was ace!
The result is that I have greater than 20/20 vision, but still occasionally try to push my glasses closer to the bridge of my nose - old habits die hard!
I had mine done about 3 years ago, it cost me £900 for both eyes, they were doing a january sale, buy one eye get one free :p

Ive not had any problems, and has been brilliant, i went with optimax, and wouldnt hesitate to recommend them, any questions feel free to ask.
cleanbluesky said:
How long were you guys without vision?

About 2 days with no vision, about a week before I could go places on my own, about 2 weeks before I could drive. This was following a LASEK procedure.

cleanbluesky said:
Can your optician tell you've had laser surgery?

They can, but only because you can suddenly see a hell of a lot a better than previously ;)
cleanbluesky said:
How long were you guys without vision?

Can your optician tell you've had laser surgery?
I wasn't without vision at all. For the first couple of days it was as if someing had put drops of milk in my eyes, it was just coudy. Then it cleared up.

Opticians can tell, and if they can't, they are useless!
Can I also suggest a couple of things not to do in the afternoon following the procedure -

1) Going on the Millenium Eye
2) Playing pool (at least at county hall where it is charged by the hour!)

And can I suggest a companion, who unlike my wife, is NOT registered blind!
Not the best planned afternoon! :D
GuruJockStrap said:
A while back I applied to join the Police. Passed the papersift and interview only to discover that my eyesight wasn't at the required standard. :(

My option is to either give up with the application or invest into have my short sightedness corrected via laser surgery. Cost is £1185, which I can afford no problem but I've obviously been researching the proceedure and some of the possible complications are really putting me off!

Anyone here had laser eye surgery? What kind of results did you get after treatment? Any complications?

I was in the same boat as you, my unaided vision was not up to standard so I had laser surgery done. No complications and excellent results, the only thing that annoys me is the dry eye you get for some time after, this does lessen with time but it is especially bad in the mornings. My vision still fluctuates too, sometimes it will be exceptionally good and other days it doesn’t seem quite as sharp, I am told that this is normal and it will generally a few months for your eyes to fully adjust.

Been just over 2 months since the surgery and apart from the dry eye in the mornings it’s fantastic. Re-applied for my force and passed my initial exam and fitness so far.
J.T said:
What I don't get is you need to pass this test to get in but once in your eyesight can go to pot and you can have glasses and no one will give a crap

Doesn't make sense to me....

Many years ago I applied for the police and even though I'd ran marathons they wouldn't consider me because I'd had a knee operation years earlier. I can outrun all my copper mates no problem.
What are the costs if you have each eye done seperately? Its always interested me but I wouldn't fancy risking going completely blind :(
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