Anybody here pay for water bill?

I applied for a job with a water company and they sent me a big info pack about what they do. I was actually surprised at how much goes into bringing clean water into the home.
As title if so why do you and why do we even have to? Also do you remember when we didn't have to?

I for one cannot stomach the fact that i have to pay for water and i fear the reasons for may tip me over the edge.

Can you expand on that bit please.

What is this Madness :confused:

Yes I pay for my water & I am happy to pay for it as well, Only a retard would complain about the pittance we pay for fresh drinking water delivered to our houses when others around the planet cannot get fresh drinking water let alone get it piped to there sink.
OP makes me mad. :mad: + :p

Looks at user name, Nods head.
I work in Industrial Control and Automation and am currently based on site at a large Water Treatment Works upgrading their control systems so know about the process and systems/equipment required.

You would be surprised at how complex the treatment process is and the money involved - just the bill for the chemicals required to properly treat the water each month would be absolutely huge - let alone the specialist machinery, valves, pumps, etc and the maintenance required.
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