Anybody know a program than can force a CD drive open

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Every now and then when copying a disk that may have an error on it, the CD drive can lock up and an EJECT won't work.
I've had this problem occur on every PC I've had since I had my first 1x CDROM many moons ago.
The only solution to get the drive open is a reboot of the machine.
So, is there a program out there that can force an eject on a locked drive?
bend a paperclip and put it in the small hole at the front of the drive to open it manually.
My computer can eject the drive but its not forced. If the cd is being used, I'm not sure if you can get a program to force it open. To override it all. It may even be health and safety not to open when burning as health and safety is everywhere these days.

Try the paper clip idea. Clip goes into the cogs which opens the door. Should work.
I knew about the paperclip but my eyes are that bad I couldn't see the holes in my NEC drives until I got to within 6 inches of them.

I used to have this problem with my writer a while ago.

Take it your using Nero?

I had to resort to burning at lower speeds as most kept failing and locking the drive.

I've now replaced that drive (Lite-On) with an MSI and it hasnt failed yet. :)
hybrid said:
I used to have this problem with my writer a while ago.

Take it your using Nero?

I had to resort to burning at lower speeds as most kept failing and locking the drive.

I've now replaced that drive (Lite-On) with an MSI and it hasnt failed yet. :)
I had a similar problem with a lite-on drive after I flashed the firmware with an official lite-on update, it made it incompatible with the disks it used to burn ok.
dmpoole said:
Have one of you sent me the Drive Eject Program (cupholder.rar) because Blueyonder reckon its virused.

Thanks anyway.

lol @ cupholder.rar.

Thats obviously one of those prank/joke type programs.
hybrid said:
lol @ cupholder.rar.

Thats obviously one of those prank/joke type programs.

It is a very ooooooooold program that opens up your cd dive and presents the cup holder to you but whether it will do the job I want it to is another matter.
dmpoole said:
Have one of you sent me the Drive Eject Program (cupholder.rar) because Blueyonder reckon its virused.

Thanks anyway.
I sent it to you.

It's clean but, unfortunately any email attachment with a .exe or compression seems to be regarded as a virus these days. :(
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