Anybody know how to deal with a PIP assessor caught lying and falsifying

21 Dec 2019
Planet Thanet
My partner had a home assessment
Woman sneakily turned up an hour early
My partner was still in pyjamas
Looked like just fell out of bed and dragged through a hedge backwards

Report said applicant was appropriately dressed
And of a kempt appearance

Report also stated if I helped my partner in and out of the bath she could bathe herself
Yet we have an adapted bathroom with grab rails, drop rails etc
And most importantly a walk in shower
With a seat
That allows enough room for a zimmer frame in it too
And NO bath whatsoever
Assessor did a full inspection of the room at my insistence to make sure she saw all the disability aids in there

And assessor just blatantly lied over the can you do the raise your arms so high etc part of it she asked for 2 exercises
Yet said my partner was capable of all the other movement even though
She wasn't asked to do them

I submitted a letter from my partners long term gp which basically got ignored
Submitted over 200 pages of medical
Records that her surgery printed off
Only charged £10 for doing it

And still my partner got her points reduced to the bare minimum much to her GPS utter disbelief
Asked for mandatory reconsideration
Submitted an even stronger supporting gp letter and some more mri scans
Mandatory reconsideration was turned down
So appealed which took 18 long stressful months to get to tribunal
The tribunal didn't even last 10 minutes
They said was absolutely no reason for the ATOS decision and it was totally
Clear cut they had reduced her points
For no valid reason
Other than confirm her name etc my partner didn't even have to submit an argument

My partner was going to just concede defeat many times during those 18 months waiting for tribunal
I wonder how many others get stressed/depressed/anxiety and just throw the towel in?

All I can say is if you truly believe you are entitled then tough it out don't let them beat you
The success rate at tribunal is very high
Though so is the stress waiting for it
16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
Local MP isn't interested in assisting. Tried previously when I told him I was going to email him into the complaint. He mailed back, asking what the matter was about and then never responded after that. I'm wondering whether it would be possible to choose an MP from a different area?
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30 Sep 2008
Capita and the like are scum of the earth.

Capita? Dear God they're absolutely the worst outsourcing company I have ever seen. Dixons/DGi had to cancel a multi year contract with them back in 2000's because the after sales warranty support was a slow car crash of incompetence.
Basically, they cannot cope with complex issues that require independent thought & multiple outcomes but instead strive to script to a predetermined outcome they want. Resulting in a costly **** show the company or Gov hiring them have to cancel (I expect Capita get most of the ££ regardless).
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
They all do this as they have targets to hit

Pretty much everyone has to appeal

Just to note that we haven't (so far).

My wife started claiming in around 2016 and then we had a recheck a few months ago. It was a bit of a painful interview as things just kept getting repeated and it took around 2 hours and my wifes fatigue was clearly kicking in after the half way point.
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