Soft start?
Been looking at more inverters on the bay, some of them are listed as "soft start", umm, wassat?
Been nosing in my CU and the flat runs 1 x 6A, 3 x 32A & 1 x 40A trips, so i need to find out which 32A circuit runs which areas of the flat, been considering a handful of inverters, but using one per circuit (thinking big unit for kitchen/utility room, one for living area, then one for the bedrooms, HOPEFULLY the circuits will be broken down that way!, aslong as the cowboys that built this place didn't share neutrals and other clever things
Of to that highstreet electronics place (lets be honest, you've seen their prices, i don't see how they can call them a "competitor"
) later to get my hands on a litle pluggin item called a "kill-a-watt", useful for measuring the kwh consumption of whatever item is plugged into it, ie, total running power of all the telly kit, or the fridge, or the utility room, etc)
So far so good. Nearly killed myself getting Dave out of the van though, not the lightest of things!