Anyone built a Pi-KVM? HDMI/CSI adapter question

I built one to use in the same way as you - remote into work laptop which is completely locked down.

I used the Waveshare adapter you mention above and it works well.
Do you have any recommendations for cases/what case did you use for your Pi KVM?

There is one I found on Thingiverse, which also takes the USBC/PWR adapter that I've ordered, so it good option, aside from the fact it has PI KVM cut out of the top lid as text. Otherwise, nothing obvious is juming out at me, given I'd like all of the parts enclosed.
Do you have any recommendations for cases/what case did you use for your Pi KVM?

There is one I found on Thingiverse, which also takes the USBC/PWR adapter that I've ordered, so it good option, aside from the fact it has PI KVM cut out of the top lid as text. Otherwise, nothing obvious is juming out at me, given I'd like all of the parts enclosed.

No, I'm still looking myself. I currently have a simple perspex case with the adapter resting on top.

If I can't find anything I like by next weekend I'll probably get my dremel out and try and be creative.
No, I'm still looking myself. I currently have a simple perspex case with the adapter resting on top.

If I can't find anything I like by next weekend I'll probably get my dremel out and try and be creative.
The two most hopeful options I have found are the Argon Neo (which would require a bit of Dremel/hacksaw for the HDMI port) or the LeapMatic MaticBox, with the automation lid fitted and then trimming the automation screen (slot in piece of plastic) down to size for the HDMI port to fit.

I've got both on order with Pi Hut and will keep whichever out of the two looks most promising. Failing that I came up with a few possibilities on Thingiverse:

The latter would be my preferred option, as it has a cutout for a fan. I'm not a fan of the cut out 'Pi KVM' text though and am not skilled enough with any kind of modelling software to remake it with that cut out text filled in!

Also this chap suggests using one of the acrylic 'set-top cases' as they come wtih full size HDMI cutouts, but then not using the daughterboard that comes with those kits.

I would be interested to hear what you end up going with / doing :)
I wouldn't bother with the MaticBox - the automation opening is completely the wrong side for an HDMI port. It would work if you could mount the adapter vertically, with the HDMI port on its side, but the lid won't close then because of the size of the PCB.

I have been messing around with a 3D model for an Argon Neo and asked in the 3D printing section if someone would be able to check my model for errors, as I've been editing a model from Thingiverse and I'm a complete noob when it comes to 3D modelling/CAD etc
Having spent a lot of time searching for a good option among the hundreds of available cases I've come to the conclusion that there isn't anything that won't require some sort of modification. I therefore decided that I might as well modify my existing case. It's only a cheap clear perspex thing but I mounted the CIS adapter on the top using some motherboard stand-offs. It doesn't look great but at least the adapter isn't just hanging off the ribbon cable anymore. It'll do until I come across something better.

Woo-hoo! Got the case put together, with a lot of thanks to @andy_mk3 who made some changes to the CAD model I got from Thingiverse. Sadly the HDMI port was about 3mm out when I got it printed (down to the original Thingiverse model, not the printing), so if I was going to do another I would make a change to the model and move the HDMI port 3mm inwards. In the end I just took out a little bit of the FDM with a very sharp craft knife.

Due to the lid being very shallow, the HDMI/CSI adapter has to be held in place with some electrician's tape - even the heads of some M2.5 nylon screws, from my Pi box of tricks were too tall!

Original Argin Neo case:


New case lid:




And this is a print of a little case for the USB-C power/data splitter from Thingiverse. If I get the case reprinted, I might do it to match this little adapter case:



Very pleased with the printing of the adapter case especially. Printed with clear blue SLA.
I got a usb-c power/data splitter off ebay in the end - £4.29. No power warnings now.
Sweet, one of the 8086 Consultancy ones?

I'm really pleased with how PiKVM is working out and supported the project via Patreon. I feel that the piKVM HAT is too rich for my liking, but I am going to be using PiKVM almost daily, so wanted to support it. I haven't tried it yet, but if I could get a USB webcam working over the KVM as well, that would be amazing. Not sure if it's possible though, should try it and see what happens!
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