Anyone else feel this way?

I now hate to do lists. I've got to do lists for my to do lists with things that need to be tested before starting others which then link to other tasks and it just gets hard to keep track. Plus you get task paralysis where you can't decide what to start so just do nothing instead.

Was reading about a Japanese system where you put your to do notes in columns but you can only have a max of 3 tasks in the "doing" column and you can't start anything else before one of those tasks is completed (with an exception for tasks that need input from someone else).

Makes sense but first time I tried it I wrote 3 things and then ended up with a load more that tied in :o Have to be strict with yourself
I try not to make actual lists any more. If it's not important enough to remember, it's not important enough to write on a todo list :p Or it can wait until I remember it again... And I found when I wrote todo lists a lot of it would just sit on there for months, because I wasn't all that committed to much of the stuff I wrote down.

Recently I also committed myself to doing lots of small jobs vs 1 big job. The big jobs can now wait until I've not got loads of small jobs vying for my attention, and I can have lots of mini-wins and knock lots of stuff of the (now imaginary) todo list.

It's great to get a big job finished but you still have 14 other jobs you wanted to do, and no more time. Vs knocking off 12 small jobs and only having 3 you won't have time for (inc the big job).

None of these are hard and fast rules, but I do like getting a lot of stuff done even if much of it was almost trivial. And it's funny how starting the day by completing a small job can give you impetus/motivation for the rest of the day. Vs trying to psyche myself up to start with something big, which is difficult.
I find you really have to be willing to give up what's tying you down

Moving to Wales has been very stressful.
The to do list is massive, simply things like 'register for new doctors' and 'take final meter reads', 'v5c address' etc etc etc..
Those are little things but because I tend to leave things they play on my mind. It takes a real effort to sort them, even though it's better to and they aren't difficult

I guess the bigger changes for me are putting life firmly and genuinely before career (money ) as I know I'll never love my job (still regret my uni and career choices

Unless I'm going to earn obscene amounts of money, 50k isn't going to change my life from 40k. What would make a difference is a 4 day week.
My hobbies are now no longer expensive but they require time
I'm going to declutter the amount of clutter makes moving house a nightmare.
I'm 100pc sure that I don't want kids, had a second brief chat with the gf that if she goes in with me for mortgage she's sure as she can be too. Because you have to be.

Getting a house will knock a lot of the need to save off my mind allow nicer holidays etc.

Reducing stress is more value to me than more money or progression of career. But I need to follow through in this.
Even things like saying to family 'ill see you for Christmas but I'm not doing presents 'saves me stress

Despite the move being so stressful its genuinely the best decision I've ever made. I do regret leaving it so late, but 33 isn't too bad.
Was always jealous of moonman and think Wales is my calling (planning a kayaking trip to see dolphins next!, this would be a dream come true, genuinely)

Id say do some soul searching and don't be afraid to go against the grain of 'improve your career ' , 'more money is better' , 'a bigger estate will make you happier ', 'its time for kids'

A run down of my typical activities for us.

-weekend, weather permitting will comprise
kayaking to a new part of the Welsh coast or river, exploring the mountains or forests, camping..
-finishing work at 4pm 5 days a week
-Dungeons and dragons once a week with gf and new group
-General evenings in
-cinema on a week night of films are there or Netflix of not
-trips to friends for Board games, murder mystery etc every month /2 months

Put effort in to make this happen , I don't want the 9-5, come home to binge on TV or look after kids, then burn away the weekend drinking and being hung over or simply doing nothing.

Being outside is my meditation, exploration desire connection with nature and fulfils my physical stimulation too

Of course I could have took a 70k job in London and had an easy life later, but who knows what might happen to my health and you cannot buy back time It already goes too fast
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i know ive already said this already but 5 days 9 to 5 doesnt work or it didnt to me ,im averaging 42 hours a week sometimes but at least lumping those hours together gives unbelievably amazing weekends
but i dont have a good job so i guess a lot of you guys cant be that flexable ive always gone for shift work after a long 8 to 5 spell
i earn £8.60 an hour but im very good at managing money and managed the 9 years to 100k savings earlier this decade (its in the house now ,silently trebling itself)

edit /now working the hated standard 5 day week somewhere else but applied for a 3 day week
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i'd be the same, i can't sit during the day and watch TV or whatever, BUT you need to relax sometimes. i have trouble remembering this at times and force myself to chill
if you're working 6 days a week and then cramming chores into the day off your body will want some downtime
if you can''t relax in the house go and sit somewhere outside, i sometimes go and have a sleep in the car :o
you could grab a paper and sit in a coffee shop for an hr
sit in the garden if possible and listen to music? doesn't need to be all day relaxing but several hrs will help the body recover
Hi all.

Does anyone else find themselves feeling lazy / lethargic / cba when they have a day off?

I currently work 6 days a week and try to balance as much as my own personal activities in the evenings around work, I make lists of tasks I wish to complete within a month say, and I tick them off as I go, but it always seems I don't have enough time for them which is my first problem.
But I have just taken 2 days off that I'm owed in lieu from working bank holidays, yet I just can't be bothered to do anything, Just felt tired all day, done bare minimum and it gets annoying that I feel this way.
I am one of those people that have to keep myself busy, whether its doing some maintenance in the garden, working on a project in the garage, or cleaning, there is always something for me to do, I can't sit still and watch something on a streaming service for too long before I get bored.

Does anyone else experience this? How have you overcome it?


Have children and this won't be a problem until they at least go off travelling or university.
Those guys are not quite normal if you ask me, they have a whiff of Lance Armstrong about them. Especially the two African countries who dominate it
They're normal. They've just kept it up and maintained. It's a lot more to do with mental strength to get out and do things than it is with physical or age. I'm 30 and I'm way more motivated to do things now than when I was 25 or so.
Those guys are not quite normal if you ask me, they have a whiff of Lance Armstrong about them. Especially the two African countries who dominate it

Yep I'm 34 and exercise 5+ times a week.

Take Rosie-Swale Pope for example, she seems pretty normal and 74 - and is about to run to Nepal!
i know ive already said this already but 5 days 9 to 5 doesnt work or it didnt to me ,im averaging 42 hours a week sometimes but at least lumping those hours together gives unbelievably amazing weekends
but i dont have a good job so i guess a lot of you guys cant be that flexable ive always gone for shift work after a long 8 to 5 spell
i earn £8.60 an hour but im very good at managing money and managed the 9 years to 100k savings earlier this decade (its in the house now ,silently trebling itself)

edit /now working the hated standard 5 day week somewhere else but applied for a 3 day week

Why are you being paid below the National Living Wage?
getting old does that, i find it so hard now to do a workout or whatever since i went over 30

Age is just a number my man. I've recently started working out again. I've got a Concept 2 rower that I'm doing 5K a day minimum on, have done for nearly the last month. I find if you start the day like that it sorts of gears you up and motivates you for the rest of the day.
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