anyone else got a Panasonic DX902b ?

I’ve got one. If you have a look at the thread on avforums there’s a great FAQ. I use the settings in that.
Hi Al

yeah ive seen that thanks , really cant be bothered to switch between 3 different settings tho (daytime , nighttime and 4k) Al how do you know if you are receiving a 4k signal ? HDR ramps up the contrast and backlight to 100 (retina burning ) , but because of the up scaling how can you be sure you are getting UHD ? cheers
I have one.

I get HDR 4k from Netflix via the TV app and I use settings similar to those on the AVForum FAQ. I also get 4k from Sky Q. That isnt UHD though.

Regarding switching between settings, it takes about 5 seconds to press menu > picture > arrow > ok.
Hi Hedge

weird how my TV app has stopped switching HDR on , but the xbox s netflix app will do it ?
Pressing the I button shows the current resolution. 4K doesn’t need any different settings for me. I let the tv decide about hdr and think it looks great.
It depends a lot on your viewing. I’m in a bright room, so often need a little more ooomph.
P.s sorry for delayed response..

thanks for the reply Al . hitting the I button shows the full resolution but the image is being up scaled ?
The skybox will be doing the upscaling. Netflix shoud report accurately if you're using the built in app. I use a roku + for netflix and iplayer, as it does hdr for iplayer.

so if your watching sky and hit the I button your set says 1080i ? cheers
right had a look , HDR is ramping up the back light and contrast to 100 ,thanks for your input . i was thinking ultra HD would do the same to the contrast and back light but obviously not .
I've not tried 3d on mine.

If it has came with glasses I would have, but I won't use it enough to justify buying glasses.

To add... I still love this TV. The picture is so natural and although certain settings give haloing its been brilliant for the price I got it at.

I had the AX to start with , that came with 4 sets of passive glasses , but the TV developed DSE and Panasonic swapped it for the DX (Which was nice !!!) but no glasses , i have one set of Sony Active glasses but not sure if these will work .

like i said i'm not a big fan of 3D just wondered what it was like on this TV as the picture quality is truly stunning
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