Steam is like walking into a charity shop and being overwhelmed with the amount of garbage and just walking out because finding that rare gem is going to take too much time.
The "top sellers" is now days a bunch of pre order games so why have a "coming soon" tab"
the stores crap but valve take their 30% so don't care.
there's barely any quality just cash ins, meme games and all sorts of unfinished abandoned forever early access titles.
early access is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming, worse than DLC, worse than micro transactions, worse than NFTS, more worse than TF hats
everyones hyped for the metaverse when we all know what that will be a second life that costs more than your real one... but it will be a place with the rich twits can show off their skins...
Gaming is to corporate everything is just about cash grabs even the big companies.
No one wants to make a "good game" anymore they just want maximum returns for the least effort.
look at the devolution of the BF series.... everything is sequels...... too hard to make a new IP these days