anyone fancy some css tonight?

Its passworded now. and the password isnt the same one as always either.

EDIT meant to say isnt! sorry
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it was fubars fault as he is a big gay emo. I was playing in a 2v2 competition at the time!

Server unlocked now, suggest any maps you want and i'll try sort the rotation out a little.
shush dazza i pwnjoo@knife :D kicked me all over with your ak tho

any 1 for some tonight, my fps is gettin worse on the big servers lately and i need some css - else i might start taking this pc apart or playing guitar or something lol
I was again, rather shocking tonight. Dunno what the hell happened, i played rather appallingly. Time to leave the cs world alone methinks :/
Man thats the longest ive been on CSS in a long time, been on since 7. Really good games tonight, got owned for the first 4 hours like :(
Yea Stellios got owned lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots...

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