Anyone forced staying in their current role because of Covid?

Current role is driving me up the wall.

Retracted notice at start of lockdown - was not prepared to stay in current role this long extra, but moving jobs looks like an absolute pain to do right now and I'm not in the right head space for it.

Team has been down about 50% headcount for 12 months so the pace for those left is absolutely brutal - it's going to take the rest of the team leaving before management take any action :(
I passed up a defence contracting job which was more than double my current wage, because it has an uncertain future. I don't want to have to look for another job in 1-2 years when everyone else might be :/
Was becoming apparent I might be forced to stay where I have been for years, sack that, so I asked to retire for the lulz and they said yes yolo!
I personally feel that if companies are willing to hire now, it's because they're more resilient to the changes and the silliness that covid has instilled - that's why I made the move, I wanted to work for a company that was already set up for remote working and was able to deliver value without being stuck behind more clunky antiquated work mantras.

However when changing jobs, it's always a risk - and the whole world has gone to pot right now with this nonsense, so I can understand the trepidation in wanting to explore ventures new.
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