Anyone free tomorrow and wants to watch some live Olympics

Ok Sean, now you're just taking the mickey. I thought after your crushing disappointment the other day (only a world record and a really boring 200m final) you'd have given up. ;-)

I spent yesterday afternoon watching things at Hyde Park. the only world record I saw was for longest queue for an ice cream. This guy must have been there for months!


If I can get some sleep in the morning my plan is to round my Olympic experience off by trying to get into the Victoria Park Live event for Sunday evening. I'm not sure trying to catch the last train back at 1:30am will be much fun, but Victoria Park's close enough to the stadium to be able to watch the closing display fireworks.

I hope. Must check Google Earth for line of sight. :-)
Grabbed 2 tickets for tonight's Athletics via website about 11:00am, they had all prices available for all of 1 or 2 mins! :)

WOW! You've been very lucky in grabbing these tickets!

I am still undecided if I am going to use my Diving Ticket tonight! Guess I should really, seeing as it cost me so much, unless I can find someone who wants it?
Danny, in your shoes I'd definitely go (it's a final with British interest!) and plan a very late exit, lurking around the BBC camp (transport won't be a problem). They get some great late night interviews, and the party mood seems to have well and truly settled in at the Olympic Park. So you never know what you might see.

Unless they're all in Chinawhites already, in which case you might just get tired and bored. :-)
Argh, basketball bronze game available for £150 tomorrow only; still a bit too much. If it was the USA I would have gone for it.
It'll be too late now, but think about it... access to the Park all day (including closing ceremony on the big screens) for £150. It really is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Edit: hang on, the basketball isn't on the Park is it? That alters the equation a little :-)
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If I can get some sleep in the morning my plan is to round my Olympic experience off by trying to get into the Victoria Park Live event for Sunday evening. I'm not sure trying to catch the last train back at 1:30am will be much fun, but Victoria Park's close enough to the stadium to be able to watch the closing display fireworks.

I hope. Must check Google Earth for line of sight. :-)

I don't think you'll get a clear view from there. You will probably need to exit to the east side of the park on Cadogan Terrace/Wick Lane and go to Wansbeck Road by the looks of it.
You will probably need to exit to the east side of the park on Cadogan Terrace/Wick Lane and go to Wansbeck Road by the looks of it.
Thanks, I'll bear that in mind. But the photo I want (assuming my low light skills are up to it) is of the crowd in the Park with the fireworks & stadium in the distance.

I guess if I wanted the best viewpoint I'd try to get into one of those old tower blocks near the site. However I suspect getting back out again alive, and with my camera might be a problem. I think the official Olympic London truce ends at midnight on Sunday. :-)
Oh and you can go and see the closing ceremony for 1.5k trololol

If i could afford it i would, spent more than that on the family holiday in June that'll just be one more holiday memory amongst many. Olympic ceremony would be a once in a lifetime.
Really don't understand why they are still advertising basketball and handball as available when there doesn't seem to be any tickets. Been trying for half an hour now; all prices, all the 3 sessions, nothing.
Not long been home, thought Thursday evening would be hard to beat, but what an absolutely cracking atmosphere in there tonight!

Will post some pictures within pics/vids thread later on Sunday.

I am still undecided if I am going to use my Diving Ticket tonight!

Hope you did go what with Daily getting the Bronze. :cool:
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