Anyone go to see The Simpsons @ midnight??

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Deleted member 651465

Deleted member 651465

Did anyone of the OcUK crowd head down to their local Cinema to catch the premier of the Simpson's movie last night at midnight?

If so, tell us your tales of SpiderPig ;)
We had a cast showing last night, I was working and only managed to catch the odd bit of it.

There is at least 1 Futurama reference in it :D

The general concxensus of everyone leaving was 'meh, it was good'.
Saw it at 12 noon, was good, al ot better than last few seasons, some great jokes and sketches, glad I went and the cinema wasn't really busy and hardly any kids.

Loved Homer and the Spider Pig

Was only £3 to get in as well, should have been £6 :D
It's Orange Wednesday...our local is one of the ones showing from the 25th...will be there at 8:10pm this evening.
So looking forward to this one.
Damn the Mrs' needing food.. have to go shopping!

If I can speed round Asda then I may just catch this one :D
Yeah, good film. Only complaint is that many of the best jokes were in the trailers, but there are some classic lines and many levels of humour for anyone who goes, from the ickle kids, to the parents taking them.

'For once, the rich white man is in power'

Also, Harry Plopper :D :D

Just got back from seeing it, didn't think it was good at all, ok some funny bits but the majority of the humour was just slapstick and childish. Didn't show enough characters either. Represented the reason why I stopped enjoying the TV show, thought this would change but it didn't. I give it 4/10.
tbh they are bringing the film out 4 or 5 years too late, they've lost all their good writers and directors and the replacements for them are just trying to copy the older 'golden age' of the simpsons which just isn't working.

havn't seen the film but i think it will only be good at the most
I wouldn't say its like the recent seasons 15-19 the animation is very good, looks all computerized.

-Nick- said:
tbh they are bringing the film out 4 or 5 years too late, they've lost all their good writers and directors and the replacements for them are just trying to copy the older 'golden age' of the simpsons which just isn't working.

havn't seen the film but i think it will only be good at the most

Rubbish, they have some of the best writers for the film, the old school bunch and a lot of the movie seems to be made by everybody who has worked on the Simpson's, John Swartzwelder is the best writer for the Simpsons and hes down on the screen play.

The film is not the best Simpsons ever but it has some of the best sketches and jokes going.
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I would say it was as good as it could have been considering hype etc :)

Very satisfied, so many good jokes that it will take a second viewing to take them all in! :D

Infinately better than I expected.
It completely blew me away. I didnt think the comedy could last for a whole movie... it does.

Well worth watching
Loved it, really funny. I wasnt expecting it to be too good, but its was 100 times better than i thought it would be.

Bart nekkid :eek:
-Nick- said:
tbh they are bringing the film out 4 or 5 years too late, they've lost all their good writers and directors and the replacements for them are just trying to copy the older 'golden age' of the simpsons which just isn't working.

havn't seen the film but i think it will only be good at the most

god job the film was written years ago then lol. consider it takes 8 months to animate one half hour episode. you cant animate anything without a script in place.

incidently, i trawled the net for some info on the film and found this:
Crave Online: Are you more involved now than you were in the past?

Matt Groening: The idea that I was not involved with the show or less involved with the show is simply not true. I've always been involved with the show. It's true there's only 24 hours in a day so then I have to work on Futurama. I can't be two places at once but the best thing about having two TV shows is I can go to each show and say I have to go to the other show and then I can go do whatever I want. Talk about a day job and night job, my night job after The Simpsons is Futurama, which is coming back on Comedy Central in 2008, 16 new episodes, and we're going to be running the old episodes, as well. Then, I a draw a weekly comic strip that locally appears in the LA Weekly and it appears in alternative news weeklies around the country. That's something I do just by myself. I get to go and sit at a drawing board. Generally, I put it off as long as possible. It's due on Fridays at 5:30, I have to get it on the computer. So I start drawing it Friday afternoon. I can't twist my ankle. I can't get the flu. I've got to do it. So far, 27 years I've been doing that.

bring it on:D
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