Anyone gone contracting to perm?

Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Anyone here gone contracting to perm? Regret it? Miss the extra money?

I've applied for a job which is a 10 minute walk from home or 3 minute cycle ride. I need to sit down and work out the money exactly but I'd imagine I'll be around £1000-1500 per month down, which is manageable. I could sell the BMW, pay off the loan I got for it and I won't be spending £70 a week on diesel or 3 hours a day in a car commuting. I'd also get private medical, bonuses and a pension etc.

I'd be able to fold my Ltd company, no more tax returns etc or the admin of running a company (which isn't much but every little counts).

Currently in a contract till the end of this year but the project will most likely extend well into next year, although I don't see me staying here too long due to the 155 mile round trip!
Sounds tempting. I could stay in the current contract till the end of the year at least and pay off debt, maybe even stay till the end of the project which is around 18 months away and horde money away.
This has come up for consideration again. I took a new contract with a small pay cut which is 15 minutes from home. The contract ends in December and it's been mentioned in passing that they would consider me for perm. They've been trying to recruit a new engineer for a few months but they've been struggling. I'll try and extend for 6 months but if not then I may go permanent.

The idea of not having to look for work or pay a sizable sum to commute is highly appealing plus I like the job and staff.
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