Assuming that the individual transistors scale with process (in reality they probably don't) means:
One 130um transistor be 26 times smaller on each side on a 5um process. So you would be able to fit 676 5um transistors in the space occupied by just 1 120um transistor.
so moving a die from 5um to 130um would make it 26 times bigger on each side or increase the area by 676 times.
So the 609mm2 die would then become 411684mm2 or a square about 64cm on each side!
One 130um transistor be 26 times smaller on each side on a 5um process. So you would be able to fit 676 5um transistors in the space occupied by just 1 120um transistor.
so moving a die from 5um to 130um would make it 26 times bigger on each side or increase the area by 676 times.
So the 609mm2 die would then become 411684mm2 or a square about 64cm on each side!