Anyone have knowledge of valve amp technology?

Clinkz said:
Personally i would be very, very surprised if the emulated output produces anything near a passable tone. You would be better of using a mic, but each to their own

It depends on the tone you want, and how you mix / eq the guitars.

Every guitar (six altogether) on the song on my myspace 'Eyes' was done with a Boss ME-50 multi fx, straight into the line-in on on my sound card. No pre-amps, no speaker emulation. I couldn't do distortion, but the clean tones are pretty good.
are you going via the speaker emulated out > your computer? or another recording device?

if you're using the PC then get hold of "Amplitube 2" its a godsend and a few people have commented on the tones i can get with it. then you dont need to touch your amp at night :)
SidewinderINC said:
are you going via the speaker emulated out > your computer? or another recording device?

if you're using the PC then get hold of "Amplitube 2" its a godsend and a few people have commented on the tones i can get with it. then you dont need to touch your amp at night :)

Tascam 788, where possible I prefer a single hardware solution to messing with PC recording.

But I'm looking into Amplitube as well. :)
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