Anyone know any old British scary series/films?

Whilst not a film, A History of Horror with Mark Gatiss is a brilliant three part documentary.

It was a BBC Four documentary shown back in 2010-11. Sadly, iPlayer has never shown it since, but definitely worth a search and watch. There are parts in the making of some films (especially the thirties horror films, Frankenstein, which leave you shocked). :eek:

Gatiss did a follow up on M R James, another good watch.
I thought of a film and thought it starred Julie Walters but its not on her imdb.

Its a good scare film where a women recieved weird phone calls and no one believes her i think except one bloke iirc, no matter where she goes or what she does it calls her. Not sure what it says to her but im guessing nothing good. I think its british and set 70s or 60s.

Anyone know the film im on about?
I remember being spooked by The Tripods

We used to go camping when that was airing, it was somewhat disconcerting to get out of bed half asleep as a kid to go to the toilet block and see the water tower looming over the trees after having seen that on TV a few weeks earlier.

No love for Carry on Screaming? :)
Only if I can smoke.
*clouds of smoke start drifting around me*

The Quatermass films?
I remember watching those when I was much younger than was probably intended and Quatermass and Pit gave me nightmares :)
IIRC there was also a TV series.

I think I last watched it a few years ago on the BBC or something during a season of classic horror/sci-fi and they were still very well told stories that worked on the suspense nicely without showing too much or relying on jump scares (one of the nice things about a lot of the older stuff is that they did have to try and build the suspense/horror factor with story and music rather than SFX as they didn't have the time/money to do a lot of effects).
I know its American but I loved the original 60s The Outer Limits.... kicked ass!

best episodes inc Soldier (script by Harlan Ellison and eventually acknowledged as source for th Terminator) and Demon With a Glass Hand... but many classics
Always loved 'A Ghost Story For Christmas' which traditionally aired on the BBC on Christmas Eve.

Mark Gatiss article may help with the OP's search: A Ghost Story for Christmas director Mark Gatiss names his top 5 spooky TV shows

Many are before my time, only Supernatural which featured Jeremy Brett (who terrified me when playing Sherlock Holmes but was bloody amazing in the role of the legendary detective) has got to be good so its on the watchlist!

Back to the festive theme, it appears the order (some can be found on iPlayer or YouTube) if you fancy a spooky watch: :)

Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968)
The Stalls of Barchester (1971)
A Warning to the Curious (1972)
Lost Hearts (1973)
The Treasure of Abbot Thomas (1974)
The Ash Tree (1975)
The Signalman (1976)
Stigma (1977)
The Ice House (1978)
A View From a Hill (2005)
The Tractate Middoth (2013)
No.13 A Ghost Story (2017)
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