Anyone know Arabic?

vonhelmet said:
My French Muslim colleague speaks a bit of Arabic. He has confirmed the pronunciation given above. He said that the first word means rich, but he didn't know about the second word.
Thanks. Lol, so it means Rich as in the money sense of the word? (rich/poor , not rich as in richard?):o
Chronicle said:
Thanks. Lol, so it means Rich as in the money sense of the word? (rich/poor , not rich as in richard?):o

Yeah, the first word is pronounced Ghanee as mentioned above, and it means rich as in financially solvent.
vonhelmet said:
My French Muslim colleague speaks a bit of Arabic. He has confirmed the pronunciation given above. He said that the first word means rich, but he didn't know about the second word.

Could it possibly mean 'ard as in "acutely sexually excited"?

Hence "Financially Secure and Acutely Sexually Excited". These things are rad, where do I sign up?

Gaijin said:
Could it possibly mean 'ard as in "acutely sexually excited"?

Hence "Financially Secure and Acutely Sexually Excited". These things are rad, where do I sign up?

lmfao...i do this sometimes. go off on complete tangents in my head with ridiculously random results. nice work :D
Sic said:
lmfao...i do this sometimes. go off on complete tangents in my head with ridiculously random results. nice work :D

This is what three days of solid uni work has done to me. Save me now (by writing my dissertation for me) :p
Gaijin said:
This is what three days of solid uni work has done to me. Save me now (by writing my dissertation for me) :p

heh cool. what's it on? how many words? i'll do some for you. it'd be total rubbish, but i guess i'd get a laugh out of it.
Gahnee (Rich - as in financially) afthd.

My mum didn't know the second word, but she says it is insulting, and definately NOT Richard in Arabic. :p
I've copied the photo to my memory stick and if no-one gets a full translation before I go back to Egypt (could be several weeks), I will ask one of my Egyptian colleagues to translate.

Stan :)
I can't work out what the second word means and I have asked my jordanian friend - he hasn't heard of that word. It's probably a dialect or slang for a region. Needless to say I doubt it's complimentary.
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