Anyone know how to watch films on CV1 ?

If you want to watch your own films you need to copy the files to the 'my video' folder (or whatever it's called on Windows.
If you have a 3d video you need to create a folder named '3D' in the 'my video' folder and copy the files there instead.
Once in the app you can then select your videos on the bottom menu selection.
They all live in the same level in the app but 3D films have a little '3D' sticker on them.
It's much easier to use either virtual desktop or VorpX to watch movies as you can use VLC or MPC-HC which can actually play everything rather than the very limited number of content types the Oculus player supports
Tru dat. I prefer to use whirlygig (well, for my DK2) as it's free and works with most things I throw at it.
It handles 180/360 degree films nicely as well as just displaying it on a virtual large screen.
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