Anyone know of Rifle ranges in/around east midlands area?

19 Nov 2020
Hi All,

I've been trying to get back into rifle target shooting for a couple of years. The only commercial range I've been able to locate is at Silverstone, some 45 minutes drive away but they're only open weekdays & every other Saturday, with the Saturdays being full till late September just to even go and take a look.

with week days being a no-go due to work, I was wondering if anyone knew of any ranges that i might've overlooked due to limited online presence.

Bit of a thread revival I know, but ive just taken up target range shooting,
There is OnTarget which is based in the outskirts of Northampton at Brackmills,
Been a few times now, just waiting to sort out a decent .177 rifle now :)

I went down to OnTarget as part of a work event a few years back, unless i'm mistaken i believe they're exclusively air rifle, while i'm looking for a bit more kick. I'm actually heading to the silverstone range i mentioned in the original post this saturday, managed to get squeezed in. I'm hoping that the difficulty in availability is primarily around non-member visits due to the supervision/safety briefings they'll need to have, which will become much easier as a licensed member down the road, something to ask them about while there.
If you're still looking around East Midlands, there's the Derby Rifle and Pistol Club (Twyford) and the Chesterfield and District Rifle and Pistol Club (ranges in Notts, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire)

A friend of mine used to shoot at the Chesterfield and District Epperstone (notts) range, he said it was fantastic. Couple of years back though, so I can't tell you what it's like now
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