Anyone made the move from 3DSMax to Blender?

12 Jun 2008
I'm a long-time 3DSMax user but due to licensing costs I'm having to jump ship. I've attempted to get to grips with Blender but after a few hours in I had to stop as my forehead could no longer take the head-on-desk punishment. Does it get easier? I can't even move the viewpoint around so getting stuck in to something like patch modelling seems like a lofty goal!

If anyone knows of any good tutorials (especially any for ex 3DS users) it would be most appreciated.
I have very little experience of Maya and 3DS and frankly I've found learning Blender the easiest. Maybe my lack of experience with the others has helped rather than hindered as I've freshly learnt Blender. Stick with it, I think it's awesome and the support/development etc is really good too.
I don't doubt my experience with 3DS is the problem. I guess I have to unlearn everything. It reminds me a lot of trying to learn snowboarding after years of skiing... That also featured head pain come to think of it :D

I'm very impressed with what I've seen Blender is capable of so I anxious to get stuck in!
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