Anyone on Lebara? Looking to activate 4G+

10 Dec 2007
Both me and my brother have the Redmi Note 10 Pro. He has giffgaff and I recently went to Lebara on that £1.99 deal. I wanted to see the speed differences on the networks in the same area so when I got his phone to run, I saw his top right hand corner stated 4G+ while my phone has only ever shown 4G.

I googled Lebara 4G+ and the first result is the French site version (but English text) which you can't read if you are signed into Lebara with a UK number:

It states to send a text of 4G to 22241 so obviously I looked around for an actual UK page and found nothing of how to do this in UK but Vodafone supports 4G+ so no reason Lebara won't right? This prompted me to contact Lebara customer service who said "send 4G to 38885".

Can anyone find a Lebara page or any other documentation that states this is how you activate 4G+? I don't want to do this and have my speeds be somehow worse.
It depends on the phone/network on what's actually displayed. The 4G and 4G+ you're seeing might actually be the same, but due to network limitations is showing different things. I know with previous phones with O2 based networks I was seeing 4G+ but with EE just 4G, and even then, EE was faster. In some places like the US, they'll see LTE instead. Basically the symbol won't tell you what it's actually connected, even with the same phone.

If you type in *#*#4636#*#* into the dial pad, then phone information, it will tell you more detail on the mobile connection and what rate it's syncing at.
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I'm on Lebara using it on mi 11

Have you checked in the sim settings I get 5g but if I select LTE I get 4g+ so network does support it also could be area dependent ? Did you restart I remember I had to

I moved to Lebara earlier in the year and you're correct, sending 4G to 22241 enabled it for me. Might have to reboot the phone afterwards. Not sure why it isn't enabled by default though.
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