Nix said:Serial thread starter today?
I'm being dragged out by my flatmate to celebrate his gf's birthday - which was yesterday
Have a nice time dude.
McDaniel said:Thursdays are the best imo, more relaxed.
Sat's are ok more expensive though, but they got cheaper since Mayhem opened.
Exam time for me, but i work at the weekends so back home (3 weeks off after 2moz tho) my last exam 30th may then i graduate.
Nix said:Good luck with that, I'm only in my first year - did 3 years of college
Got a job lined up?
McDaniel said:i work for Lloyds TSB atm did want a supervisor position there @ 20k but the powers that be outside of the building wont allow it cos its not in there budget, so unless one of them leave soon i cant get it.
So looking soon for another one, i might go into the Tax area, my friend at uni's Dad is the head of UK Tax, or something like that see if i can get anything from him
McDaniel said:True, but im not really into programming now ive done my degree, i hate it s would rather not do what relates to my degree...eek lol.
What area of Lloyds? branch or call centre?
Nix said:He worked in the e-on place in Rayleigh for a while in the call centre, so i'm assuming he applied for call centre in Lloyds too.
McDaniel said:ooh ask what dept im in Lost and Stolen
whats his name?