Anyone play Darts?

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
I am not sure if this is classed as a Sport so I just posted here :D

Ive been playing darts quite a lot this last week and Im getting pretty good, Well I think I am anyway.

So much so that I fancy a set of darts of my own.

Anyone know of a good set to buy, or have any good tips for an amateur Pub Sport player :)
Thats the thing, I dont actually know much about varying weights. There is 2 sets at work where Ive been playing a lot, One clearly heavier than the other, but Im liking the lighter ones and Ive found a sweet technique with em.

I imagine its lighter ones Im after. Do sports shops allow you to find a comfortable weight?
Im sure the shop would be fine with you trying them out and seeing if they are the ones for you.

I play a few times a week and i use heavy ones as i just find them easier to play with.

Have a look at getting some decent flights and some weighted ends, they can help when you throw the dart.
Most people play with a 22 - 25gram dart. They were the most popular weights when I was selling them anyway.

Some shops let you test with a no refund after purchase policy, others won't. Some darts websites allow a seven day return (as long as there is no damage the the barrels), some won't.

So basically, you either have to find a specialist shop or go through some back and forth with websites, buy cheap until your absolutely certain about your weight/grip.
Dont suppose anyone has any links to good sets of darts, just to give me an idea of what Im looking at.

Surprised I enjoy it so much
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Have a look on the rainforest, looking around £50 for a decent set of darts, just depends how much your willing to spend.
Is that the things that sit on the tail end of the flight?

Ive thrown a dart that has stuck into the back of the first dart and bent the pins on the back, I felt like Robin Hood but my mate wasnt chuffed with the state of his dart afterwards :(
Is that the things that sit on the tail end of the flight?

Ive thrown a dart that has stuck into the back of the first dart and bent the pins on the back, I felt like Robin Hood but my mate wasnt chuffed with the state of his dart afterwards :(

Ye thats them :)

Oh dear! Ive done that a few times but with the metal protectors you have no problem :)
Ye thats them :)

Oh dear! Ive done that a few times but with the metal protectors you have no problem :)

Do the protectors affect the way the dart travels too, So you use them not just for function but because they help you throw better yeah?
Do the protectors affect the way the dart travels too, So you use them not just for function but because they help you throw better yeah?

I mainly use them for protection incase the dart hits the floor, but they do stop the dart from wobbling when you throw :)
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