Cool dude, I'll dump some in your town later I think I have you added anyway.
EDIT: just dumped 160 in there for you
I left some for you... I think was 200 or something near that
I missed some at the end.. my finger was hurting lol
Cool dude, I'll dump some in your town later I think I have you added anyway.
EDIT: just dumped 160 in there for you
Dropped some more of this morning. Was too merry last night
I left some for you... I think was 200 or something near that
I missed some at the end.. my finger was hurting lol
205 to be exact so thanks for that! i'll go drop another 95 for you now!
I dropped 100... I'll do more later or tomorrow
I dropped some more... something like 50.
Done eliotrw
Haven't egged at all recently as I've been too busy to play.
So who wants to trade 500 eggs
Adding nowI have 400 eggs to trade with someone
nick: quickshot89
Cheers for the 83 eggs who ever that was
Got 101 to return the favour now! Was it you Judgeneo?
Adding now
Yup that was me thought I was returning them to whoever wgged me just before.
Do I own someone eggs? I'm lost hehehe
anyway I have 300 to trade, if someone wants... I can do it end of the day.
Seems InertProtocol is busy, not had any eggs for days. So I have 250 to trade if anyone is interested. Just add me: Speedsurfer13 and let me know how many you have left, then I'll return the favour.
I only need another 500 snakes for the motel, so feel free to drop me some eggs (pja77uk) and I will happily drop you back the same (am dropping 60 now).
laying them now
edit: That should do - and slinky, more went your way